A new 10 μm infrared detector using intersubband absorption in resonant tunneling GaAlAs superlattices BF Levine, KK Choi, CG Bethea, J Walker, RJ Malik
Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, ThD6, 1987
805 1987 Strong 8.2 µm infrared intersubband absorption in doped GaAs/AlAs quantum well waveguides BF Levine, RJ Malik, J Walker, KK Choi, CG Bethea, DA Kleinman, ...
Applied Physics Letters 50 (5), 273-275, 1987
427 1987 Periodic negative conductance by sequential resonant tunneling through an expanding high-field superlattice domain KK Choi, BF Levine, RJ Malik, J Walker, CG Bethea
Physical Review B 35 (8), 4172, 1987
397 1987 The physics of quantum well infrared photodetectors KK Choi
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299 1997 Enhancement and suppression of thermal emission by a three-dimensional photonic crystal SY Lin, JG Fleming, E Chow, J Bur, KK Choi, A Goldberg
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268 2000 Multiple quantum well 10 μm GaAs/Alx Ga1−x As infrared detector with improved responsivity KK Choi, BF Levine, CG Bethea, J Walker, RJ Malik
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251 1987 Electron-electron interactions in GaAs- As heterostructures KK Choi, DC Tsui, SC Palmateer
Physical Review B 33 (12), 8216, 1986
199 1986 Dephasing time and one-dimensional localization of two-dimensional electrons in heterostructures KK Choi, DC Tsui, K Alavi
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157 1987 Corrugated quantum well infrared photodetectors for normal incident light coupling CJ Chen, KK Choi, MZ Tidrow, DC Tsui
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124 1996 Quantum well avalanche multiplication initiated by 10 µm intersubband absorption and photoexcited tunneling BF Levine, KK Choi, CG Bethea, J Walker, RJ Malik
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115 1987 Experimental determination of the edge depletion width of ahe two‐dimensional electron gas in GaAs/Alx Ga1−x As KK Choi, DC Tsui, K Alavi
Applied physics letters 50 (2), 110-112, 1987
115 1987 Tunneling lifetime broadening of the quantum well intersubband photoconductivity spectrum BF Levine, CG Bethea, KK Choi, J Walker, RJ Malik
Applied physics letters 53 (3), 231-233, 1988
107 1988 Molecular beam epitaxial growth and optical properties of InAs1 - x Sbx in 8-12 µm wavelength range MY Yen, BF Levine, CG Bethea, KK Choi, AY Cho
Applied physics letters 50 (14), 927-929, 1987
106 1987 Bound‐to‐extended state absorption GaAs superlattice transport infrared detectors BF Levine, CG Bethea, KK Choi, J Walker, RJ Malik
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101 1988 Two-color corrugated quantum-well infrared photodetector for remote temperature sensing CJ Chen, KK Choi, WH Chang, DC Tsui
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90 1998 Photoexcited coherent tunneling in a double-barrier superlattice KK Choi, BF Levine, CG Bethea, J Walker, RJ Malik
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80 1987 10 μm infrared hot‐electron transistors KK Choi, M Dutta, PG Newman, ML Saunders, GJ Iafrate
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74 1990 Infrared-radiation detector device CG Bethea, KK Choi, BF Levine, RJ Malik, JF Walker
US Patent 4,894,526, 1990
72 1990 Long wavelength InAs1 - x Sbx /GaAs detectors prepared by molecular beam epitaxy CG Bethea, MY Yen, BF Levine, KK Choi, AY Cho
Applied physics letters 51 (18), 1431-1432, 1987
72 1987 Detection wavelength of InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells and superlattices KK Choi, SV Bandara, SD Gunapala, WK Liu, JM Fastenau
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2), 551-564, 2002
67 2002