Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Pamela M. Seethaler, Ph.D.Saiba mais
Não disponíveis em nenhum local: 4
The Development of Arithmetic and Word-Problem Skill Among Students with Mathematics Disability: Lynn S. Fuchs, Sarah R. Powell, Pamela M. Seethaler, Paul T. Cirino, Jack M …
LS Fuchs, SR Powell, PM Seethaler, PT Cirino, JM Fletcher, D Fuchs, ...
Handbook of special education, 437-447, 2011
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
The role of cognitive processes in treating mathematics learning difficulties
LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, AS Malone, PM Seethaler, C Craddock
Cognitive foundations for improving mathematical learning, 295-320, 2019
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health, US Institute of Education Sciences
Three frameworks for assessing responsiveness to instruction as a means of identifying mathematical learning disabilities
LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, PM Seethaler, N Zhu
International Handbook of Mathematical Learning Difficulties: From the …, 2019
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Intervention to improve arithmetic, word-problem, and fraction performance in students with mathematics disabilities
LS Fuchs, AS Malone, PM Seethaler, SR Powell, D Fuchs
Handbook of special education, 558-570, 2017
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Education
Disponíveis em algum local: 23
Intensive intervention for students with mathematics disabilities: Seven principles of effective practice
LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, SR Powell, PM Seethaler, PT Cirino, JM Fletcher
Learning Disability Quarterly 31 (2), 79-92, 2008
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Do different types of school mathematics development depend on different constellations of numerical versus general cognitive abilities?
LS Fuchs, DC Geary, DL Compton, D Fuchs, CL Hamlett, PM Seethaler, ...
Developmental psychology 46 (6), 1731, 2010
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Remediating number combination and word problem deficits among students with mathematics difficulties: A randomized control trial.
LS Fuchs, SR Powell, PM Seethaler, PT Cirino, JM Fletcher, D Fuchs, ...
Journal of educational psychology 101 (3), 561, 2009
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Effects of first-grade number knowledge tutoring with contrasting forms of practice.
LS Fuchs, DC Geary, DL Compton, D Fuchs, C Schatschneider, ...
Journal of educational psychology 105 (1), 58, 2013
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
The effects of strategic counting instruction, with and without deliberate practice, on number combination skill among students with mathematics difficulties
LS Fuchs, SR Powell, PM Seethaler, PT Cirino, JM Fletcher, D Fuchs, ...
Learning and individual differences 20 (2), 89-100, 2010
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Text comprehension and oral language as predictors of word-problem solving: Insights into word-problem solving as a form of text comprehension
LS Fuchs, JK Gilbert, D Fuchs, PM Seethaler, BL N. Martin
Scientific Studies of Reading 22 (2), 152-166, 2018
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
The effects of schema-broadening instruction on second graders' word-problem performance and their ability to represent word problems with algebraic equations: A randomized …
LS Fuchs, RO Zumeta, RF Schumacher, SR Powell, PM Seethaler, ...
The Elementary School Journal 110 (4), 440-463, 2010
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
The cognitive predictors of computational skill with whole versus rational numbers: An exploratory study
PM Seethaler, LS Fuchs, JR Star, J Bryant
Learning and individual differences 21 (5), 536-542, 2011
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health, US Institute of Education Sciences
Closing the word-problem achievement gap in first grade: Schema-based word-problem intervention with embedded language comprehension instruction.
LS Fuchs, PM Seethaler, SK Sterba, C Craddock, D Fuchs, DL Compton, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 113 (1), 86, 2021
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
The role of cognitive processes, foundational math skill, and calculation accuracy and fluency in word-problem solving versus prealgebraic knowledge.
LS Fuchs, JK Gilbert, SR Powell, PT Cirino, D Fuchs, CL Hamlett, ...
Developmental psychology 52 (12), 2085, 2016
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health, US Institute of Education Sciences, US …
A framework for remediating number combination deficits
LS Fuchs, SR Powell, PM Seethaler, D Fuchs, CL Hamlett, PT Cirino, ...
Exceptional Children 76 (2), 135-156, 2010
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Addressing the role of working memory in mathematical word-problem solving when designing intervention for struggling learners
L Fuchs, D Fuchs, PM Seethaler, MA Barnes
Zdm 52, 87-96, 2020
Autorizações: US Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
Predicting first graders' development of calculation versus word-problem performance: The role of dynamic assessment.
PM Seethaler, LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, DL Compton
Journal of Educational Psychology 104 (1), 224, 2012
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Two-stage screening for math problem-solving difficulty using dynamic assessment of algebraic learning
LS Fuchs, DL Compton, D Fuchs, KN Hollenbeck, CL Hamlett, ...
Journal of learning disabilities 44 (4), 372-380, 2011
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Connections between reading comprehension and word‐problem solving via oral language comprehension: Implications for comorbid learning disabilities
LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, PM Seethaler, LE Cutting, J Mancilla‐Martinez
New directions for child and adolescent development 2019 (165), 73-90, 2019
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Improving language comprehension to enhance word-problem solving
LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, PM Seethaler, C Craddock
Reading & Writing Quarterly 36 (2), 142-156, 2020
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
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