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Nick HolfordProfessor Emeritus Clinical Pharmacology, University of AucklandEmail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
karel allegaerthoogleraar geneeskunde, KU LeuvenEmail confirmado em uzleuven.be
Jacqueline A HannamSenior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology, The University of AucklandEmail confirmado em aucklanduni.ac.nz
James MorseThe University of AucklandEmail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Jerrold Lerman MDClinical Professor of Anesthesiology, John R. Oishei Children's Hospital and Jacobs School of MediciEmail confirmado em buffalo.edu
Alan MerryUniversity of AucklandEmail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Van Den Anker JProfessor of Pediatrics, George Washington UniversityEmail confirmado em cnmc.org
christopher ecclestonProfessor of Psychology, The University of BathEmail confirmado em bath.ac.uk
Emma FisherUniversity of BathEmail confirmado em bath.ac.uk
Tess E CooperThe University of Sydney, Oxford UniversityEmail confirmado em sydney.edu.au
Sinno SimonsErasmus MC Sophia Children's Hospital, Erasmus University medical centerEmail confirmado em erasmusmc.nl
Paul A. BakerAssociate Professor, Auckland UniversityEmail confirmado em airwayskills.co.nz