Anil Kumar Singh
Anil Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Institute of Agricultural Sciences
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Molecular mapping for resistance to pea rust caused by Uromyces fabae (Pers.) de-Bary
R Rai, AK Singh, BD Singh, AK Joshi, R Chand, CP Srivastava
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics 123 (5), 803-813, 2011
Influence of drought stress on morphological, physiological and biochemical attributes of plants: A review
WA Ansari, N Atri, M Pandey, AK Singh, B Singh, S Pandey
Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 16 (4), 697-709, 2019
Genetic diversity studies in pea (Pisum sativum L.) using simple sequence repeat markers
P Kumari, N Basal, AK Singh, VP Rai, CP Srivastava, PK Singh
Genet. Mol. Res 12 (3), 3540-3550, 2013
Genetic diversity studies and identification of SSR markers associated with Fusarium wilt (Fusarium udum) resistance in cultivated pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)
AK Singh, VP Rai, R Chand, RP Singh, MN Singh
Journal of genetics 92, 273-280, 2013
Role of bioinformatics in agriculture and sustainable development
VK Singh, AK Singh, R Chand, C Kushwaha
Int J Bioinforma Res 3 (2), 221-226, 2011
Effect of heat stress during flowering and pod formation in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
C Mohapatra, R Chand, JK Tiwari, AK Singh
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 26, 1119-1125, 2020
Genome-wide association mapping in maize: status and prospects
K Shikha, JP Shahi, MT Vinayan, PH Zaidi, AK Singh, B Sinha
3 Biotech 11 (5), 244, 2021
Genetics of Fusarium wilt resistance in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and efficacy of associated SSR markers
D Singh, B Sinha, VP Rai, MN Singh, DK Singh, R Kumar, AK Singh
The plant pathology journal 32 (2), 95, 2016
Screening for disease resistance in barley cultivars against Bipolaris sorokiniana using callus culture method
R Chand, D Sen, KD Prasad, AK Singh, BM Bashyal, LC Prasad, AK Joshi
Indian journal of experimental biology 46 (4), 249, 2008
Evaluation of molecular markers linked to fragrance and genetic diversity in Indian aromatic rice
VP Rai, AK Singh, HK Jaiswal, SP Singh, RP Singh, SA Waza
Turkish Journal of Botany 39 (2), 209-217, 2015
Wild rices of Eastern Indo-Gangetic plains of India constitute two sub-populations harbouring rich genetic diversity
A Singh, B Singh, K Panda, VP Rai, AK Singh, SP Singh, SK Chouhan, ...
Plant Omics 6 (2), 121-127, 2013
Genetic evaluation of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) recombinant inbred lines for spot blotch (Bipolaris Sorokiniana) resistance and yield components under natural …
N Meena, VK Mishra, DK Baranwal, AK Singh, VP Rai, R Prasad, B Arun, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 16 (6), 1429-1440, 2014
Validation of SSR markers associated with rust (Uromyces fabae) resistance in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
AK Singh, R Rai, BD Singh, R Chand, CP Srivastava
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 21, 243-247, 2015
Effect of plant types on grain yield and lodging resistance in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
AK Singh, CP Srivastava
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 75 (01), 69-74, 2015
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) tools and impact in plant breeding
VK Singh, AK Singh, S Singh, BD Singh
Advances in plant breeding strategies: breeding, biotechnology and molecular …, 2015
Genetic diversity in Indian snapmelon ('Cucumis melo'var.'momordica') accessions revealed by ISSR markers
AK Singh, S Kumar, H Singh, VP Rai, BD Singh, S Pandey
Plant Omics 8 (1), 9-16, 2015
Genome wide analysis of disease resistance mlo gene family in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (l.) Moench]
VK Singh, AK Singh, R Chand, BD Singh
J Plant Genom 2 (1), 18-27, 2012
Genetic variability studies for lodging resistance and yield attributes in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
N Tyagi, AK Singh, VP Rai, S Kumar, CP Srivastava
Journal of Food Legumes 25 (3), 179-182, 2012
Genetic variability and character association in diverse collection of Indian and exotic germplasm lines of pea (Pisum sativum L.)
P Yadav, AK Singh, CP Srivastava
Vegetable Science 37 (1), 75-77, 2010
Heterosis in relation to combining ability for yield and its components in sesame, Sesamum indicum L
AK Singh, JP Lal, H Kumar, RK Agrawal
Journal of Oilseeds Research 24 (1), 51, 2007
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