Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Martin MuhlerSaiba mais
Não disponíveis em nenhum local: 127
Co@Co3O4 Encapsulated in Carbon Nanotube‐Grafted Nitrogen‐Doped Carbon Polyhedra as an Advanced Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode
A Aijaz, J Masa, C Rösler, W Xia, P Weide, AJR Botz, RA Fischer, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (12), 4087-4091, 2016
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Catalysis of carbon dioxide photoreduction on nanosheets: fundamentals and challenges
Z Sun, N Talreja, H Tao, J Texter, M Muhler, J Strunk, J Chen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (26), 7610-7627, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Loading of MOF-5 with Cu and ZnO nanoparticles by gas-phase infiltration with organometallic precursors: properties of Cu/ZnO@ MOF-5 as catalyst for methanol synthesis
M Müller, S Hermes, K Kähler, MWE van den Berg, M Muhler, ...
Chemistry of materials 20 (14), 4576-4587, 2008
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Metallic NiPS3@NiOOH Core–Shell Heterostructures as Highly Efficient and Stable Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
B Konkena, J Masa, AJR Botz, I Sinev, W Xia, J Koßmann, R Drautz, ...
Acs Catalysis 7 (1), 229-237, 2017
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Ceria-based materials for thermocatalytic and photocatalytic organic synthesis
X Huang, K Zhang, B Peng, G Wang, M Muhler, F Wang
Acs Catalysis 11 (15), 9618-9678, 2021
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation
The influence of strongly reducing conditions on strong metal–support interactions in Cu/ZnO catalysts used for methanol synthesis
RN d’Alnoncourt, X Xia, J Strunk, E Löffler, O Hinrichsen, M Muhler
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (13), 1525-1538, 2006
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Perspective of surfactant‐free colloidal nanoparticles in heterogeneous catalysis
S Reichenberger, G Marzun, M Muhler, S Barcikowski
ChemCatChem 11 (18), 4489-4518, 2019
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Influence of the Fe:Ni Ratio and Reaction Temperature on the Efficiency of (FexNi1–x)9S8 Electrocatalysts Applied in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
S Piontek, C Andronescu, A Zaichenko, B Konkena, K Junge Puring, ...
ACS catalysis 8 (2), 987-996, 2018
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Au/ZnO as catalyst for methanol synthesis: The role of oxygen vacancies
J Strunk, K Kaehler, X Xia, M Comotti, F Schueth, T Reinecke, M Muhler
Applied Catalysis A: General 359 (1-2), 121-128, 2009
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Spectroscopic evidence for the partial dissociation of H2O on ZnO (101 [combining macron] 0)
Y Wang, M Muhler, C Wöll
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (13), 1521-1524, 2006
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Activation of carbon dioxide on ZnO nanoparticles studied by vibrational spectroscopy
H Noei, C Wöll, M Muhler, Y Wang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (4), 908-914, 2011
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Heterogeneous oxidation catalysis on ruthenium: bridging the pressure and materials gapsand beyond
J Assmann, V Narkhede, NA Breuer, M Muhler, AP Seitsonen, M Knapp, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (18), 184017, 2008
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Oxygen evolution electrocatalysis of a single MOF‐derived composite nanoparticle on the tip of a nanoelectrode
HB Aiyappa, P Wilde, T Quast, J Masa, C Andronescu, YT Chen, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (26), 8927-8931, 2019
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Effects of oxy-fuel conditions on the products of pyrolysis in a drop tube reactor
S Heuer, O Senneca, A Wütscher, H Düdder, M Schiemann, M Muhler, ...
Fuel Processing Technology 150, 41-49, 2016
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Kinetics and particle size effects in ethene hydrogenation over supported palladium catalysts at atmospheric pressure
A Binder, M Seipenbusch, M Muhler, G Kasper
Journal of Catalysis 268 (1), 150-155, 2009
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Probing the reactivity of ZnO and Au/ZnO nanoparticles by methanol adsorption: a TPD and DRIFTS study
K Kähler, MC Holz, M Rohe, J Strunk, M Muhler
ChemPhysChem 11 (12), 2521-2529, 2010
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Synthesis of Cu single atoms supported on mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride and their application in liquid-phase aerobic oxidation of cyclohexene
J Büker, X Huang, J Bitzer, W Kleist, M Muhler, B Peng
ACS catalysis 11 (13), 7863-7875, 2021
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Thermal treatment of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose in nitrogen and carbon dioxide
O Senneca, F Cerciello, C Russo, A Wütscher, M Muhler, B Apicella
Fuel 271, 117656, 2020
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Dissociation of formic acid on anatase TiO2 (1 0 1) probed by vibrational spectroscopy
M Xu, H Noei, M Buchholz, M Muhler, C Wöll, Y Wang
Catalysis Today 182 (1), 12-15, 2012
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Formation and Effect of NH4+ Intermediates in NH3–SCR over Fe-ZSM-5 Zeolite Catalysts
P Chen, M Jabłońska, P Weide, T Caumanns, T Weirich, M Muhler, ...
ACS Catalysis 6 (11), 7696-7700, 2016
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
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