Alicia R. Pérez-Porro
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Phylogenomic interrogation of Arachnida reveals systemic conflicts in phylogenetic signal
PP Sharma, ST Kaluziak, AR Pérez-Porro, VL González, G Hormiga, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 31 (11), 2963-2984, 2014
Comparative description of ten transcriptomes of newly sequenced invertebrates and efficiency estimation of genomic sampling in non-model taxa
A Riesgo, SCS Andrade, PP Sharma, M Novo, AR Pérez-Porro, V Vahtera, ...
Frontiers in zoology 9, 1-24, 2012
Evaluating topological conflict in centipede phylogeny using transcriptomic data sets
R Fernández, CE Laumer, V Vahtera, S Libro, S Kaluziak, PP Sharma, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 31 (6), 1500-1513, 2014
Optimization of preservation and storage time of sponge tissues to obtain quality mRNA for next‐generation sequencing
A Riesgo, AR PÉREZ‐PORRO, S Carmona, SP Leys, G Giribet
Molecular ecology resources 12 (2), 312-322, 2012
Reproductive traits explain contrasting ecological features in sponges: the sympatric poecilosclerids Hemimycale columella and Crella elegans as examples
AR Pérez-Porro, J González, MJ Uriz
Ancient Animals, New Challenges: Developments in Sponge Research, 315-330, 2012
A NGS approach to the encrusting Mediterranean sponge Crella elegans (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida): transcriptome sequencing, characterization …
AR Pérez‐Porro, D Navarro‐Gómez, MJ Uriz, G Giribet
Molecular ecology resources 13 (3), 494-509, 2013
Do bipolar distributions exist in marine sponges? Stylocordyla chupachups sp. nv.(Porifera: Hadromerida) from the Weddell Sea (Antarctic), previously reported as S. borealis …
MJ Uriz, JM Gili, C Orejas, AR Perez-Porro
Polar Biology 34, 243-255, 2011
Gonzá lez, VL, Hormiga, G., Wheeler, WC, and Giribet, G.(2014). Phylogenomic interrogation of Arachnida reveals systemic conflicts in phylogenetic signal
PP Sharma, ST Kaluziak, AR Pérez-Porro
Mol. Biol. Evol 31, 2963-2984, 0
Transcriptomics along a sponge life cycle
AR Pérez-Porro
Universitat de Barcelona, 2014
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Artigos 1–9