Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Jun Ki KimSaiba mais
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Gold-based cubic nanoboxes with well-defined openings at the corners and ultrathin walls less than two nanometers thick
X Sun, J Kim, KD Gilroy, J Liu, TAF König, D Qin
ACS nano 10 (8), 8019-8025, 2016
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
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Facet-selective deposition of Au and Pt on Ag nanocubes for the fabrication of bifunctional Ag@ Au–Pt nanocubes and trimetallic nanoboxes
Z Zhang, J Ahn, J Kim, Z Wu, D Qin
Nanoscale 10 (18), 8642-8649, 2018
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Orthogonal deposition of Au on different facets of Ag cuboctahedra for the fabrication of nanoboxes with complementary surfaces
J Ahn, J Kim, D Qin
Nanoscale 12 (1), 372-379, 2020
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
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