Farahnaz Faez
Farahnaz Faez
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TESOL teacher education: Novice teachers' perceptions of their preparedness and efficacy in the classroom
F Faez, A Valeo
Tesol Quarterly 46 (3), 450-471, 2012
Reconceptualizing the native/nonnative speaker dichotomy
F Faez
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 10 (4), 231-249, 2011
Incidental vocabulary learning through listening to songs
N Pavia, S Webb, F Faez
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 41 (4), 745-768, 2019
Diverse teachers for diverse students: Internationally educated and Canadian-born teachers' preparedness to teach English language learners
F Faez
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation 35 (3), 64-84, 2012
The power of “Can Do” statements: Teachers’ perceptions of CEFR-informed instruction in French as a second language classrooms in Ontario
F Faez, S Majhanovich, SK Taylor, M Smith, K Crowley
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 14 (2), 1, 2011
Vocabulary learning and retention through multimedia glossing
N Ramezanali, F Faez
University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2019
Connecting language proficiency to teaching ability: A meta-analysis
F Faez, M Karas, T Uchihara
Language Teaching Research, 1362168819868667, 2021
Developing the knowledge base of ESL and FSL teachers for K-12 programs in Canada
F Faez
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 14 (1), 29–49-29–49, 2011
Are you a native speaker of English? Moving beyond a simplistic dichotomy
F Faez
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 8 (4), 378-399, 2011
Connecting language proficiency to (self-reported) teaching ability: A review and analysis of research
F Faez, M Karas
RELC journal 48 (1), 135-151, 2017
Career development and professional attrition of novice ESL teachers of adults
A Valeo, F Faez
TESL Canada Journal, 1-1, 2013
Efficacy of multimodal glossing on second language vocabulary learning: A meta‐analysis
N Ramezanali, T Uchihara, F Faez
Tesol Quarterly 55 (1), 105-133, 2021
Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation of Internationally Educated Teacher Candidates.
F Faez
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 2010
The common European framework of reference (CEFR) in Canada: A research agenda
S Arnott, LM Brogden, F Faez, M Péguret, E Piccardo, K Rehner, ...
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 20 (1), 31, 2017
Teachers’ reactions to CEFR’s task-based approach for FSL classrooms
F Faez, S Taylor, S Majhanovich, P Brown, M Smith
Synergies Europe 6 (1), 109-120, 2011
Linguistic Identities and Experiences of Generation 1.5 Teacher Candidates: Race Matters.
F Faez
TESL Canada Journal 29, 124-141, 2012
Critical language awareness
SK Taylor, C Despagne, F Faez
The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching: Teaching speaking and …, 2017
Language Proficiency Development of Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers (NNESTs) in an MA TESOL Program: A Case Study.
F Faez, M Karas
TESL-EJ 22 (4), n4, 2019
Local-global vectors to improve unigram terminology extraction
E Amjadian, D Inkpen, TS Paribakht, F Faez
Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on computational terminology, 2, 2016
A call for cautious interpretation of meta-analytic reviews
F Boers, F Bryfonski, Lara, Faez, T McKay
Studies in second language acquisition, 2021
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