Miguel Félix Mata Rivera
Miguel Félix Mata Rivera
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A recommender system to generate museum itineraries applying augmented reality and social-sensor mining techniques
M Torres-Ruiz, F Mata, R Zagal, G Guzmán, R Quintero, M Moreno-Ibarra
Virtual Reality 24 (1), 175-189, 2020
A Mobile Information System Based on Crowd‐Sensed and Official Crime Data for Finding Safe Routes: A Case Study of Mexico City
F Mata, M Torres-Ruiz, G Guzmán, R Quintero, R Zagal-Flores, ...
Mobile Information Systems 2016 (1), 8068209, 2016
A cross-domain framework for designing healthcare mobile applications mining social networks to generate recommendations of training and nutrition planning
F Mata, M Torres-Ruiz, R Zagal, G Guzman, M Moreno-Ibarra, R Quintero
Telematics and Informatics 35 (4), 837-853, 2018
Geographic information retrieval by topological, geographical, and conceptual matching
F Mata
International Conference on GeoSpatial Sematics, 98-113, 2007
An experimental virtual museum based on augmented reality and navigation
F Mata, C Claramunt, A Juarez
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2011
GeoST: Geographic, thematic and temporal information retrieval from heterogeneous web data sources
F Mata, C Claramunt
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 10th International …, 2011
A mobile navigation and orientation system for blind users in a metrobus environment
F Mata, A Jaramillo, C Claramunt
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 10th International …, 2011
A collaborative learning approach for geographic information retrieval based on social networks
F Mata-Rivera, M Torres-Ruiz, G Guzman, M Moreno-Ibarra, R Quintero
Computers in human behavior 51, 829-842, 2015
A social navigation guide using augmented reality
F Mata, C Claramunt
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2014
Augmented navigation in outdoor environments
F Mata, C Claramunt
Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2013
A proposal for semantic integration of crime data in Mexico City
F Carrillo-Brenes, LM Vilches-Blázquez, F Mata
GIS LATAM: First Conference, GIS LATAM 2020, Mexico City, Mexico, September …, 2020
Análisis sobre el razonamiento en el aprendizaje De los conceptos de la geometría analítica: el Caso particular de las secciones cónicas aplicando el modelo de Van Hiele
F Mata
On topology optimisation methods and additive manufacture for satellite structures: a review
AB Hurtado-Pérez, AJ Pablo-Sotelo, F Ramírez-López, ...
Aerospace 10 (12), 1025, 2023
Simulation and implementation of an environmental monitoring system based on LPWAN/IoT
F Ramírez-López, GA Yáñez-Casas, GE Casillas-Aviña, ...
International Congress of Telematics and Computing, 237-269, 2022
A mobile trusted path system based on social network data
F Mata, C Claramunt
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
iRank: integral ranking of geographical information by semantic, geographic, and topological matching
F Mata, S Levachkine
Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2009
A Geo-Social Characterization of Health Impact from Air Pollution in Mexico Valley
AJAC Roberto Zagal Flores ,1 Christophe Claramunt ,2 Miguel Felix Mata ...
mobile information systems 2022, 2022
Remote Healthcare Program in Mexico in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
RL Mendoza, GYC Moreno, HAM Arredondo, AAC Jeanet, PAC Rosales, ...
Healthcare informatics research 28 (2), 152-159, 2022
M-health system for cardiac and COVID patient monitoring using body sensor networks and machine learning
FranciscoBeltrán-ChávezFélixMata-RiveraMarioRiveroMiguelTorres ...
academic press, 217-244, 2022
Data Dissemination Performance in P2P‐Based Vehicular Communications for Smart City Environments
ME Rivero-Angeles, IY Orea-Flores, A Lucas-Bravo, I Villordo-Jiménez, ...
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (1), 7202412, 2022
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