Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Martin HeilmaierSaiba mais
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Influence of post heat treatments on anisotropy of mechanical behaviour and microstructure of Hastelloy-X parts produced by selective laser melting
D Tomus, Y Tian, PA Rometsch, M Heilmaier, X Wu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 667, 42-53, 2016
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Effect of minor alloying elements on crack-formation characteristics of Hastelloy-X manufactured by selective laser melting
D Tomus, PA Rometsch, M Heilmaier, X Wu
Additive Manufacturing 16, 65-72, 2017
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
On the oxidation mechanism of refractory high entropy alloys
F Müller, B Gorr, HJ Christ, J Müller, B Butz, H Chen, A Kauffmann, ...
Corrosion Science 159, 108161, 2019
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Mechanically alloyed Mo–Si–B alloys with a continuous α-Mo matrix and improved mechanical properties
M Krüger, S Franz, H Saage, M Heilmaier, JH Schneibel, P Jéhanno, ...
Intermetallics 16 (7), 933-941, 2008
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Contribution of lattice distortion to solid solution strengthening in a series of refractory high entropy alloys
H Chen, A Kauffmann, S Laube, IC Choi, R Schwaiger, Y Huang, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 772-781, 2018
Autorizações: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
A new strategy to intrinsically protect refractory metal based alloys at ultra high temperatures
B Gorr, F Müller, S Schellert, HJ Christ, H Chen, A Kauffmann, ...
Corrosion Science 166, 108475, 2020
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Ductilization of Mo–Si solid solutions manufactured by powder metallurgy
H Saage, M Krüger, D Sturm, M Heilmaier, JH Schneibel, E George, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (13), 3895-3901, 2009
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
High-temperature creep and oxidation behavior of Mo-Si-B alloys with high Ti contents
D Schliephake, M Azim, K von Klinski-Wetzel, B Gorr, HJ Christ, H Bei, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 1102-1111, 2014
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Comparison of cryogenic deformation of the concentrated solid solutions CoCrFeMnNi, CoCrNi and CoNi
AS Tirunilai, T Hanemann, C Reinhart, V Tschan, KP Weiss, G Laplanche, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 783, 139290, 2020
Autorizações: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
Effect of Ti (Macro-) alloying on the High-Temperature oxidation behavior of ternary Mo–Si–B Alloys at 820–1,300 C
M Azimovna Azim, S Burk, B Gorr, HJ Christ, D Schliephake, M Heilmaier, ...
Oxidation of metals 80, 231-242, 2013
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Combinatorial exploration of the high entropy alloy system Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni
A Kauffmann, M Stüber, H Leiste, S Ulrich, S Schlabach, DV Szabó, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 325, 174-180, 2017
Autorizações: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
Oxidation mechanism of refractory high entropy alloys Ta-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al with varying Ta content
S Schellert, B Gorr, S Laube, A Kauffmann, M Heilmaier, HJ Christ
Corrosion Science 192, 109861, 2021
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Constitution, oxidation and creep of eutectic and eutectoid Mo-Si-Ti alloys
D Schliephake, A Kauffmann, X Cong, C Gombola, M Azim, B Gorr, ...
Intermetallics 104, 133-142, 2019
Autorizações: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
Effect of yttrium alloying on intermediate to high-temperature oxidation behavior of Mo-Si-B alloys
S Majumdar, D Schliephake, B Gorr, HJ Christ, M Heilmaier
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 44, 2243-2257, 2013
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Oxidation mechanisms of lanthanum-alloyed Mo–Si–B
S Majumdar, B Gorr, HJ Christ, D Schliephake, M Heilmaier
Corrosion science 88, 360-371, 2014
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Effects of Zr additions on the microstructure and the mechanical behavior of PM Mo-Si-B alloys
M Krüger, D Schliephake, P Jain, KS Kumar, G Schumacher, M Heilmaier
Jom 65, 301-306, 2013
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Mechanisms of oxide scale formation on yttrium-alloyed Mo–Si–B containing fine-grained microstructure
S Majumdar, B Dönges, B Gorr, HJ Christ, D Schliephake, M Heilmaier
Corrosion Science 90, 76-88, 2015
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Formation of complex intermetallic phases in novel refractory high-entropy alloys NbMoCrTiAl and TaMoCrTiAl: Thermodynamic assessment and experimental validation
F Müller, B Gorr, HJ Christ, H Chen, A Kauffmann, S Laube, M Heilmaier
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 842, 155726, 2020
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
High-temperature oxidation behavior of Mo–Si–B-based and Co–Re–Cr-based alloys
B Gorr, L Wang, S Burk, M Azim, S Majumdar, HJ Christ, D Mukherji, ...
Intermetallics 48, 34-43, 2014
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Creep resistance and oxidation behavior of novel Mo-Si-B-Ti alloys
MA Azim, D Schliephake, C Hochmuth, B Gorr, HJ Christ, U Glatzel, ...
Jom 67, 2621-2628, 2015
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
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