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Sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate: ergogenic aids?
B Requena, M Zabala, P Padial, B Feriche
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 19 (1), 213-224, 2005
The effect of lactate concentration on the handgrip strength during judo bouts
JG Bonitch-Góngora, JG Bonitch-Domínguez, P Padial, B Feriche
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 26 (7), 1863-1871, 2012
Mediterranean diet and bone mineral density in two age groups of women
A Rivas, A Romero, M Mariscal-Arcas, C Monteagudo, B Feriche, ...
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012
Diet quality of young people in southern Spain evaluated by a Mediterranean adaptation of the Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I)
M Mariscal-Arcas, D Romaguera, A Rivas, B Feriche, A Pons, JA Tur, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 98 (6), 1267-1273, 2007
Load-velocity relationship in variations of the half-squat exercise: Influence of execution technique
A Pérez-Castilla, A García-Ramos, P Padial, AJ Morales-Artacho, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 34 (4), 1024-1031, 2020
Force–velocity relationship of upper body muscles: traditional versus ballistic bench press
A García-Ramos, S Jaric, P Padial, B Feriche
Journal of applied biomechanics 32 (2), 178-185, 2016
Changes in peak leg power induced by successive judo bouts and their relationship to lactate production
J Bonitch-Domínguez, J Bonitch-Gongora, P Padial, B Feriche
Journal of Sports Sciences 28 (14), 1527-1534, 2010
Altitude training in elite swimmers for sea level performance (altitude project)
FA Rodríguez, X Iglesias, B Feriche, C Calderón-Soto, D Chaverri, ...
Med Sci Sports Exerc 47 (9), 1965-1978, 2015
Predicting maximal dynamic strength from the load-velocity relationship in squat exercise
B Bazuelo-Ruiz, P Padial, A García-Ramos, AJ Morales-Artacho, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (7), 1999-2005, 2015
Effect of different velocity loss thresholds during a power-oriented resistance training program on the mechanical capacities of lower-body muscles
A Pérez-Castilla, A García-Ramos, P Padial, AJ Morales-Artacho, ...
Journal of Sports Sciences 36 (12), 1331-1339, 2018
Resistance training using different hypoxic training strategies: a basis for hypertrophy and muscle power development
B Feriche, A García-Ramos, AJ Morales-Artacho, P Padial
Sports Medicine-Open 3, 1-14, 2017
Maximal isometric handgrip strength and endurance differences between elite and non-elite young judo athletes
JG Bonitch Góngora, F Almeida, P Padial Puche, JG Bonitch-Domínguez, ...
International Scientific Literature Inc., 2013
Prediction of the maximum number of repetitions and repetitions in reserve from barbell velocity
A García-Ramos, A Torrejón, B Feriche, AJ Morales-Artacho, ...
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 13 (3), 353-359, 2018
Assessment of leg muscles mechanical capacities: Which jump, loading, and variable type provide the most reliable outcomes?
A García-Ramos, B Feriche, A Pérez-Castilla, P Padial, S Jaric
European journal of sport science 17 (6), 690-698, 2017
Effect of different interrepetition rest periods on barbell velocity loss during the ballistic bench press exercise
A García-Ramos, P Padial, GG Haff, J Argüelles-Cienfuegos, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (9), 2388-2396, 2015
Connective tissue reflex massage for type 2 diabetic patients with peripheral arterial disease: randomized controlled trial
AM Castro-Sánchez, C Moreno-Lorenzo, GA Matarán-Peñarrocha, ...
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011 (1), 804321, 2011
Training load quantification in elite swimmers using a modified version of the training impulse method
A García-Ramos, B Feriche, C Calderón, X Iglesias, A Barrero, D Chaverri, ...
European journal of sport science 15 (2), 85-93, 2015
Evaluation of muscle mechanical capacities through the two-load method: optimization of the load selection
A Pérez-Castilla, S Jaric, B Feriche, P Padial, A García-Ramos
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 32 (5), 1245-1253, 2018
Validating the relation between heart rate and perceived exertion in a judo competition
J Bonitch, J Ramirez, P Femia, B Feriche, P Padial
Medicina Dello Sport 58 (1), 23-28, 2005
The use of a fixed value of RPE during a ramp protocol. Comparison with the ventilatory threshold.
B Feriche, JL Chicharro, AF Vaquero, M Pérez, A Lucía
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 38 (1), 35-38, 1998
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