Yechun Wang
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Free-standing and mechanically flexible mats consisting of electrospun carbon nanofibers made from a natural product of alkali lignin as binder-free electrodes for high …
C Lai, Z Zhou, L Zhang, X Wang, Q Zhou, Y Zhao, Y Wang, XF Wu, Z Zhu, ...
Journal of Power Sources 247, 134-141, 2014
Functionality and structure of yellow pea protein isolate as affected by cultivars and extraction pH
L Cui, N Bandillo, Y Wang, JB Ohm, B Chen, J Rao
Food Hydrocolloids 108, 106008, 2020
Preparation and properties of electrospun soy protein isolate/polyethylene oxide nanofiber membranes
X Xu, L Jiang, Z Zhou, X Wu, Y Wang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (8), 4331-4337, 2012
Comparisons of clear coating degradation in NaCl solution and pure water
Q Zhou, Y Wang
Progress in Organic Coatings 76 (11), 1674-1682, 2013
A three-dimensional spectral boundary element algorithm for interfacial dynamics in Stokes flow
Y Wang, P Dimitrakopoulos
Physics of fluids 18 (8), 2006
Dynamics of concentric and eccentric compound droplets suspended in extensional flows
X Qu, Y Wang
Physics of Fluids 24 (12), 123302, 2012
Low-Reynolds-number droplet motion in a square microfluidic channel
Y Wang, P Dimitrakopoulos
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 26, 361-379, 2012
Influence of the composition of working fluids on flow-accelerated organic coating degradation: Deionized water versus electrolyte solution
Q Zhou, Y Wang, GP Bierwagen
Corrosion Science 55, 97-106, 2012
Nature of the hemodynamic forces exerted on vascular endothelial cells or leukocytes adhering to the surface of blood vessels
Y Wang, P Dimitrakopoulos
Physics of Fluids 18 (8), 2006
Development of candle soot based carbon nanoparticles (CNPs)/polyaniline electrode and its comparative study with CNPs/MnO2 in supercapacitors
Y Wang, L Jiang, Y Wang
Electrochimica Acta 210, 190-198, 2016
Normal force exerted on vascular endothelial cells
Y Wang, P Dimitrakopoulos
Physical review letters 96 (2), 028106, 2006
Freestanding carbon aerogels produced from bacterial cellulose and its Ni/MnO2/Ni(OH)2 decoration for supercapacitor electrodes
Y Wang, Y Wang, L Jiang
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 48, 495-507, 2018
A new acceleration factor for the testing of corrosion protective coatings: flow-induced coating degradation
Y Wang, GP Bierwagen
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 6, 429-436, 2009
Pitted corrosion detection of thermal sprayed metallic coatings using fiber Bragg grating sensors
F Deng, Y Huang, F Azarmi, Y Wang
Coatings 7 (3), 35, 2017
Droplet motion in a microconfined shear flow via a three-dimensional spectral boundary element method
MA Khan, Y Wang
Physics of Fluids 22 (12), 2010
Simulation of SECM Approach Curves for Heterogeneous Metal Surfaces
Q Zhou, Y Wang, DE Tallman, MB Jensen
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (7), H644-H649, 2012
Electrochemical characterization of steel bridge welds under simulated durability test
Q Al-Kaseasbeh, Z Lin, Y Wang, F Azarmi, X Qi
Journal of Bridge Engineering 23 (10), 04018068, 2018
Deformation and migration of a leaky-dielectric droplet in a steady non-uniform electric field
Y Yao, Y Wang, KM Beussman
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 17, 907-921, 2014
Degradation of epoxy coatings exposed to impingement flow
A Vedadi, X Wang, MS Parvej, Q Yuan, F Azarmi, D Battocchi, Z Lin, ...
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 18 (4), 1153-1164, 2021
Dynamics of multiphase flows via spectral boundary elements and parallel computations
Y Wang, WR Dodson, P Dimitrakopoulos
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2005, 405-412, 2006
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