Edgar Alejandro Ruvalcaba-Gómez (ORCID: 0000-0003-0999-0680)
Edgar Alejandro Ruvalcaba-Gómez (ORCID: 0000-0003-0999-0680)
Associate Professor and Researcher, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
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Assessing the public policy-cycle framework in the age of artificial intelligence: From agenda-setting to policy evaluation
D Valle-Cruz, JI Criado, R Sandoval-Almazán, EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez
Government information quarterly 37 (4), 101509, 2020
A review of artificial intelligence in government and its potential from a public policy perspective
D Valle-Cruz, E Alejandro Ruvalcaba-Gomez, R Sandoval-Almazan, ...
Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on digital …, 2019
Revisiting the Open Government Phenomenon. A Meta-Analysis of the International Literature
I Criado, EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez, R Valenzuela-Mendoza
JeDEM-eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 10 (1), 50-81, 2018
Analyzing open government policy adoption through the multiple streams framework: The roles of policy entrepreneurs in the case of Madrid
EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez, JI Criado, JR Gil-Garcia
Public Policy and Administration 38 (2), 233-264, 2023
Perceptions of city managers about open government policies: concepts, development, and implementation in the local level of government in Spain
JI Criado, EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 14 (1), 1-22, 2018
Gobierno Abierto: Un análisis de su adopción en los Gobiernos Locales desde las Políticas Públicas
EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez
INAP, 2019
¿ Qué es y qué se entiende por gobierno abierto? Análisis de la percepción e implementación del Gobierno Abierto en el ámbito local español
JI Criado, EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez
Colección NovaGob Academia nº1. Madrid: NovaGob. Retrieved January 11, 2017, 2016
Chief information officers’ perceptions about artificial intelligence
JI Criado, R Sandoval-Almazan, D Valle-Cruz, EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez
First Monday, 2021
Pobreza y grupos étnicos en Colombia: análisis de sus factores determinantes y lineamientos de políticas para su reducción
F Urrea, C Viáfara, HF Ramírez, E Gómez, S Vélez, F Ruiz
Misión para el diseño de una estrategia para la reducción de la pobreza y la …, 2007
Discussing open government as a concept: a comparison between the perceptions of public managers and current academic debate
EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez, JI Criado, JR Gil-Garcia
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2018
Teleworking in times of Covid-19. some lessons for the public sector from the emergent implementation during the pandemic period: Teleworking in times of Covid-19
R Garcia-Contreras, P Munoz-Chavez, D Valle-Cruz, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2021
Analysis of the perception of digital government and artificial intelligence in the public sector in Jalisco, Mexico
EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez, J Cifuentes-Faura
International Review of Administrative Sciences 89 (4), 1203-1222, 2023
La adopción del Gobierno Abierto como política pública en los gobiernos locales
EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2018
Análisis de las estrategias nacionales de inteligencia artificial en América Latina: estudio de los enfoques de ética y de derechos humanos
VH García Benítez, EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez
Revista de Gestión Pública 10 (1), 5-32, 2021
Public Managers' Perceptions about Open Government: A Factor Analysis of Concepts and Values
EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez, JI Criado, JR Gil-Garcia
Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2017
Contrasting perceptions about transparency, citizen participation, and open government between civil society organization and government
EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez, C Renteria
Information Polity 25 (3), 323-337, 2020
Participación ciudadana en la era del Open Government. Una mirada desde las publicaciones científicas
EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez
Paakat: Revista de Tecnología y Sociedad 6 (11), 2016
Different perceptions, different open government strategies: The case of local Mexican public managers
R Sandoval-Almazán, JI Criado, EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez
Information Polity, 1-16, 2021
Percepción del éxito sobre gobierno abierto en función del género: un análisis desde sociedad civil organizada y gobierno
EA Ruvalcaba-Gómez
Revista iberoamericana de estudios municipales, 61-87, 2020
Open Government and Citizen Participation: Perceptions between Civil Society Organizations and Government.
EA Ruvalcaba-Gomez
JeDEM-eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 11 (2), 1-13, 2019
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