Teemu Öhman
Teemu Öhman
Arctic Planetary Science Institute, Rovaniemi
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Normal faulting origin for the Cordillera and Outer Rook rings of Orientale Basin, the Moon
AL Nahm, T Oehman, DA Kring
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 118 (2), 190-205, 2013
Polygonal impact craters in Argyre region, Mars: Implications for geology and cratering mechanics
T Öhman, M Aittola, VP Kostama, J Raitala, J Korteniemi
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43 (10), 1605-1628, 2008
Polygonal impact craters in the Argyre region, Mars: Evidence for influence of target structure on the final crater morphology
T Öhman, M Aittola, VP Kostama, M Hyvärinen, J Raitala
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41 (8), 1163-1173, 2006
The preliminary analysis of polygonal impact craters within greater Hellas region, Mars
T Öhman, M Aittola, VP Kostama, J Raitala
Impact tectonics, 131-160, 2005
Polygonal impact craters in the solar system: Observations and implications
T Öhman, M Aittola, J Korteniemi, VP Kostama, J Raitala
Dike indicators in the hadriaca patera–promethei terra region, Mars
J Korteniemi, J Raitala, M Aittola, MA Ivanov, VP Kostama, T Öhman, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (3-4), 466-478, 2010
The characteristics of polygonal impact craters on Venus
M Aittola, T Öhman, JJ Leitner, J Raitala
Earth, Moon, and Planets 101, 41-53, 2007
The structural control of venusian polygonal impact craters
M Aittola, T Öhman, JJ Leitner, VP Kostama, J Raitala
Icarus 205 (2), 356-363, 2010
Photogeologic analysis of impact melt‐rich lithologies in Kepler crater that could be sampled by future missions
T Öhman, DA Kring
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 117 (E12), 2012
Complex geology of two large impact craters in Tyrrhena Terra, Mars: Detailed analysis using MEX HRSC camera data
J Korteniemi, VP Kostama, T Törmänen, M Aittola, T Öhman, H Lahtela, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 110 (E12), 2005
The basalts of mare Frigoris
GY Kramer, B Jaiswal, BR Hawke, T Öhman, TA Giguere, K Johnson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 120 (10), 1646-1670, 2015
A high-precision Late Mesoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar age for the Keurusselkä impact structure (Finland)
M Schmieder, F Jourdan, S Hietala, J Moilanen, T Öhman, E Buchner
40th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1028, 2009
The two Suvasvesi impact structures, Finland: Argon isotopic evidence for a “false” impact crater doublet
M Schmieder, WH Schwarz, M Trieloff, E Buchner, J Hopp, E Tohver, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 51 (5), 966-980, 2016
Traces of an H chondrite in the impact‐melt rocks from the Lappajärvi impact structure, Finland
R Tagle, T Öhman, RT Schmitt, J Erzinger, P Claeys
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42 (10), 1841-1854, 2007
The structural control of polygonal impact craters
T Ohman
University of Oulu, 2009
A Middle‐Late Triassic 40Ar/39Ar age for the Paasselkä impact structure (SE Finland)
M Schmieder, WH Schwarz, E Buchner, M Trieloff, J Moilanen, T Oehman
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 45 (4), 572-582, 2010
Floor-fractured craters on the terrestrial planets—The Martian perspective
J Korteniemi, M Aittola, T Öhman, J Raitala
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Impact Cratering in the …, 2006
A Late Mesoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar age for a melt breccia from the Keurusselkä impact structure, Finland
M Schmieder, F Jourdan, J Moilanen, E Buchner, T Öhman
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 51 (2), 303-322, 2016
Circumferential graben and the structural evolution of Alba Mons, Mars
T Öhman, PJ McGovern
Icarus 233, 114-125, 2014
The origin and tectonic modification of the Saarijärvi impact structure, northern Finland
T Öhman
Bridging the gap II: Effect of target properties on the impact cratering …, 2007
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