Peterson Lima Squair
Peterson Lima Squair
CDTN - Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear
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O SUS na medicina nuclear do Brasil: avaliação e comparação dos dados fornecidos pelo Datasus e CNEN
L Pozzo, G Coura Filho, JA Osso, PL Squair
Radiologia Brasileira 47 (3), 141-148, 2014
MCMEG: Intercomparison exercise on prostate radiotherapy dose assessment
TCF Fonseca, PCG Antunes, MCL Belo, F Bastos, TP Campos, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 167, 108295, 2020
Retrieval of GammaCell 220 irradiator isodose curves with MCNP simulations and experimental measurements
RR Rodrigues, SE Grynberg, AV Ferreira, LCM Belo, PL Squair, ...
Brazilian Journal of Physics 40, 120-124, 2010
Assessment of glandular dose and image quality in mammography using computerised radiography employing a polymethylmetacrilate breast simulator
MA Oliveira, MVA Dantas, PC Santana, PL Squair, DS Gomes, ...
Radiation Measurements 46 (12), 2081-2085, 2011
Environmental Tobacco Smoke During the Early Postnatal Period of Mice Interferes With Brain 18 F-FDG Uptake From Infancy to Early Adulthood – A Longitudinal …
LH Torres, CC Real, WM Turato, LW Spelta, ACC dos Santos Durão, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 5, 2020
Assessment of organ absorbed doses in patients undergoing chest X-ray examinations by Monte Carlo based softwares and phantom dosimetry
PMC De Oliveira, PL Squair, MA Lacerda, TA Da Silva
Radiation measurements 46 (12), 2073-2076, 2011
SUS in nuclear medicine in Brazil: analysis and comparison of data provided by Datasus and CNEN
L Pozzo, G Coura Filho, JA Osso Júnior, PL Squair
Radiologia brasileira 47, 141-148, 2014
Determination of the mean energy for attenuated and unattenuated IEC diagnostic X-ray beams
PHG Rosado, MS Nogueira, PL Squair, PMC Oliveira
Feasibility of calibrating thermoluminescent dosimeters in a mammography unit for patient dosimetry
FC Bastos, WJ Castro, PL Squair, MS Nogueira, TA Da Silva
Radiation measurements 46 (12), 2094-2096, 2011
Production of 99Mo at ipen-CNEN/SP-Brazil
JA Osso Jr, C Dias, TP Brambilla, R Teodoro, MF Catanoso, J Zini, ...
2013 Topical Meeting on Molybdenum-99 Technological Development, Chicago …, 2013
Uniformity and field size of filtered x-ray beams
PMC Oliveira, PL Squair, TA Silva, MS Nogueira
A method for correcting thermoluminescent signal fading of encapsulated LiF: Mg, Ti detectors in PTFE-Teflon
PL Squair, PMC Oliveira, TA Silva, PHG Rosado, MS Nogueira
Development and characterisation of polymeric microparticle of poly(d,l-lactic acid) loaded with holmium acetylacetonate
MBM de Azevedo, VHS de Melo, CRJ Soares, DM Miyamoto, ...
Journal of microencapsulation 35 (3), 281-291, 2018
Assessment of dose rates in industrial gamma irradiation facilities using fricke and thermoluminescent dosimetric systems
GA Soares, PL Squair, FC Pinto, LCM Belo, PA Grossi
Blood compounds irradiation process: assessment of absorbed dose using Fricke and Thermoluminescent dosimetric systems
GA Soares, PL Squair, FC Pinto, LCM Belo, PA Grossi
Evaluation of uncertainty sources in a thermoluminescent dosimetric system
PL Squair, PMC Oliveira, MS Nogueira, TA da Silva
International Nuclear Atlantic Conference-INAC. Santos, SP, Brazil, 2007
Measurement of spectra for intra-oral X-ray beams using biological materials as attenuator
MAF Zenóbio, MS Nogueira-Tavares, EG Zenóbio, PL Squair, ...
Radiation measurements 46 (12), 2100-2102, 2011
Analysis of X-ray beam parameters used to implement reference radiations for calibrating dosimetric systems for diagnostic radiology
PL Squair, MS Nogueira, TA da Silva
Análise de parâmetros característicos de feixes de raios-x diagnóstico para calibração de dosímetros
PMC Oliveira, PL Squair, TA Da Silva
Tesis de maestría, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil, 2008
Development and evaluation of holmium doped phosphate glass microspheres for selective internal radiotherapy
EC Barros Filho, JR Martinelli, PL Squair, JA Osso Junior, FF Sene
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