Jennifer Cunha
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Online vs traditional homework: A systematic review on the benefits to students’ performance
P Magalhães, D Ferreira, J Cunha, P Rosário
Computers & Education 152, 103869, 2020
Does homework design matter? The role of homework's purpose in student mathematics achievement
P Rosário, JC Núñez, G Vallejo, J Cunha, T Nunes, R Mourão, R Pinto
Contemporary Educational Psychology 43, 10-24, 2015
Homework purposes, homework behaviors, and academic achievement. Examining the mediating role of students’ perceived homework quality
P Rosário, JC Núñez, G Vallejo, T Nunes, J Cunha, S Fuentes, A Valle
Contemporary Educational Psychology 53, 168-180, 2018
Parents’ conceptions of their homework involvement in elementary school
J Cunha, P Rosário, L Macedo, AR Nunes, S Fuentes, R Pinto, N Suárez
Psicothema 27 (2), 159-165, 2015
School Engagement in Elementary School: A Systematic Review of 35 Years of Research
J Martins, J Cunha, S Lopes, T Moreira, P Rosário
Educational Psychology Review, 1-57, 2021
The effects of teachers' homework follow-up practices on students' EFL performance: a randomized-group design
P Rosário, JC Núñez, G Vallejo, J Cunha, T Nunes, N Suárez, S Fuentes, ...
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1528, 2015
Promoting Gypsy children school engagement: a story-tool project to enhance self-regulated learning
P Rosário, JC Núñez, G Vallejo, J Cunha, R Azevedo, R Pereira, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 47, 84-94, 2016
“Homework feedback is…”: Elementary and middle school teachers’ conceptions of homework feedback
J Cunha, P Rosário, JC Núñez, AR Nunes, T Moreira, T Nunes
Frontiers in psychology 9, 32, 2018
The impact of three types of writing intervention on students’ writing quality
P Rosário, J Högemann, JC Núñez, G Vallejo, J Cunha, C Rodríguez, ...
PloS one 14 (7), e0218099, 2019
Understanding gypsy children’s conceptions of learning: A phenomenographic study
P Rosário, JC Núñez, R Azevedo, J Cunha, A Pereira, R Mourão
School Psychology International 35 (2), 152-166, 2014
“Homework should be… but we do not live in an ideal world”: Mathematics teachers’ perspectives on quality homework and on homework assigned in elementary and middle schools
P Rosário, J Cunha, T Nunes, AR Nunes, T Moreira, JC Núñez
Frontiers in psychology 10, 224, 2019
An explanatory model of the intention to continue studying among non-traditional university students
P Rosário, A Pereira, JC Núñez, J Cunha, S Fuentes, S Polydoro, ...
Psicothema 26 (1), 84-90, 2014
“Did you do your homework?” Mathematics teachers’ homework follow‐up practices at middle school level
P Rosário, J Cunha, AR Nunes, T Moreira, JC Núñez, J Xu
Psychology in the Schools 56 (1), 92-108, 2019
Student perceptions of homework quality, autonomy support, effort, and math achievement: Testing models of reciprocal effects
J Xu, J Du, J Cunha, P Rosário
Teaching and Teacher Education 108, 103508, 2021
Mozambican adolescents' perspectives on the academic procrastination process
C Fulano, J Cunha, JC Núñez, B Pereira, P Rosário
School Psychology International 39 (2), 196-213, 2018
No Children Should Be Left Behind During COVID-19 Pandemic: Description, Potential Reach, and Participants’ Perspectives of a Project through Radio and Letters to Promote Self …
J Cunha, C Silva, A Guimarães, P Sousa, C Vieira, D Lopes, P Rosário
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 1308, 2021
Online Homework Distraction Scale: A Validation Study
J Xu, JC Núñez, J Cunha, P Rosário
Psicothema 32 (4), 469-475, 2020
Validity and reliability of the parental homework management scale
J Cunha, J Xu, P Rosário, JC Núñez
Colegio Oficial De Psicologos Del Principado De Asturias, 2018
Writing week-journals to improve the writing quality of fourth-graders’ compositions
P Rosário, J Högemann, JC Núñez, G Vallejo, J Cunha, V Oliveira, ...
Reading and Writing 30 (5), 1009-1032, 2017
Writing intervention with elementary students struggling with writing: examining approach profiles to the teacher feedback on writing quality and motivational variables
J Högemann, J Cunha, JC Núñez, G Vallejo, C Rodríguez, P Rosário
Reading and Writing, 1-30, 2021
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