Train tracks and automorphisms of free groups M Bestvina, M Handel
Annals of Mathematics 135 (1), 1-51, 1992
635 1992 Morse theory and finiteness properties of groups M Bestvina, N Brady
Inventiones mathematicae 129, 445-470, 1997
633 1997 A combination theorem for negatively curved groups M Bestvina, M Feighn
Journal of Differential Geometry 35 (1), 85-101, 1992
456 1992 Train-tracks for surface homeomorphisms M Bestvina, M Handel
Topology 34 (1), 109-140, 1995
389 1995 The boundary of negatively curved groups M Bestvina, G Mess
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 4 (3), 469-481, 1991
385 1991 Bounded cohomology of subgroups of mapping class groups M Bestvina, K Fujiwara
Geometry & Topology 6 (1), 69-89, 2002
369 2002 Stable actions of groups on real trees M Bestvina, M Feighn
Inventiones mathematicae 121 (1), 287-321, 1995
303 1995 The Tits alternative for Out (F n) I: Dynamics of exponentially-growing automorphisms M Bestvina, M Feighn, M Handel
Annals of Mathematics 151 (2), 517-623, 2000
274 2000 Constructing group actions on quasi-trees and applications to mapping class groups M Bestvina, K Bromberg, K Fujiwara
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS 122 (1), 1-64, 2015
261 2015 Laminations, trees, and irreducible automorphisms of free groups M Bestvina, M Feighn, M Handel
Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA 7, 215-244, 1997
251 1997 Characterizing -Dimensional Universal Menger Compacta M Bestvina
American Mathematical Soc., 1988
235 * 1988 Degenerations of the hyperbolic space M Bestvina
214 1988 Bounding the complexity of simplicial group actions on trees M Bestvina, M Feighn
Inventiones mathematicae 103 (1), 449-469, 1991
203 1991 R-trees in topology, geometry, and group theory M Bestvina
Handbook of geometric topology, 55-91, 2002
189 2002 Hyperbolicity of the complex of free factors M Bestvina, M Feighn
Advances in Mathematics 256, 104-155, 2014
168 2014 Local homology properties of boundaries of groups. M Bestvina
Michigan Mathematical Journal 43 (1), 123-139, 1996
161 1996 Characterizing certain incomplete infinite-dimensional absolute retracts. M Bestvina, J Mogilski
Michigan Mathematical Journal 33 (3), 291-313, 1986
152 1986 A characterization of higher rank symmetric spaces via bounded cohomology M Bestvina, K Fujiwara
Geometric and Functional Analysis 19 (1), 11-40, 2009
134 2009 The Tits Alternative for II: A Kolchin Type Theorem M Bestvina, M Feighn, M Handel
Annals of mathematics, 1-59, 2005
129 2005 Non-positively curved aspects of Artin groups of finite type M Bestvina
Geometry & Topology 3 (1), 269-302, 1999
120 1999