Center for Synchrotron Biosciences' U2B beamline: an international resource for biological infrared spectroscopy NS Marinkovic, R Huang, P Bromberg, M Sullivan, J Toomey, LM Miller, ... Synchrotron Radiation 9 (4), 189-197, 2002 | 112 | 2002 |
Characterization of petroleum deposits formed in a producing well by synchrotron radiation-based microanalyses E Chouparova, A Lanzirotti, H Feng, KW Jones, N Marinkovic, C Whitson, ... Energy & fuels 18 (4), 1199-1212, 2004 | 48 | 2004 |
FTIR investigation of sediments from NY/NJ Harbor, San Diego Bay, and the Venetian Lagoon Z Song, E Chouparova, KW Jones, H Feng, NS Marinkovic NSLS Activity Report 2, 112-116, 2001 | 23* | 2001 |
Geochemical monitoring of waxes and asphaltenes in oils produced during the transition from primary to secondary water flood recovery E Chouparova, RP Philp Organic geochemistry 29 (1-3), 449-461, 1998 | 17 | 1998 |
Characterization of organic contaminants in New York/New Jersey harbor sediments using FTIR‐ATR and synchrotron FTIR Z Song, KW Jones, N Marinkovic, XM Xiao, H Feng, E Tchouparova CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 39 (12), 1041-1049, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Fluid heterogeneity on a well-box scale in tight unconventional reservoirs CH Whitson, FM Alqahtani, E Chuparova Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 23-25 July …, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Integration of time-lapse geochemistry with well logging and seismic to monitor dynamic reservoir fluid communication: Auger field case-study, deep water Gulf of Mexico E Chuparova, T Kratochvil, J Kleingeld, P Bilinski, C Guillory, J Bikun, ... | 10 | 2010 |
Observations of UV Fluorescence in Middle Bakken, Sanish and Three Forks Reservoirs, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Part 1. Leveraging Core Fluorescence to Visualize and … J Hohman, ED Chuparova American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and …, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Impact of Heterogeneity on Producing GOR for Tight Unconventional Wells FM Alqahtani, AS Khan, E Chuparova, CH Whitson SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference, D043S008R006, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Modelling of subsidence and thermal history of Paleogene sequence in Dolna Kamchija depression, Western Black Sea basin E Chouparova, N Suzuki, P Bokov Geologica Balcanica 23 (4), 65-78, 1993 | 4 | 1993 |
GOR Performance for Tight Unconventional Wells with Layer-wise Fluid Heterogeneity FM Alqahtani, AS Khan, E Chuparova, CH Whitson SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, D021S016R001, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Geochemical Study of Oils Produced from Four Pennsylvanian Reservoirs in Prairie Gem Field, Central Oklahoma E Chouparova, K Rottmann, RP Philp Pennsylvanian and Permian Geology and Petroleum in the Southern Midcontinent …, 2001 | 2 | 2001 |
Impact of Fluid Heterogeneity on Tight Unconventional Well GOR Performance FM Alqahtani, MM Dahouk, CH Whitson, E Chuparova Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 20–22 July 2020, 1753-1774, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
N-alkane distributions in organic solid deposits vs. temperature of deposition. E Chouparova, RP Philp, NR Nagarajan, C Whitson ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 219, U704-U704, 2000 | 1 | 2000 |
Petroleum wax deposition and production geochemistry: Experimental results and field examples ED Tchouparova-Petzeva The University of Oklahoma, 1999 | 1 | 1999 |
The effect of water flooding on produced oil composition from Bartlesville reservoir, Prairie Gem field, Central Oklahoma E Chouparova, RP Philp, K Rottmann Transactions of the 1997 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, 38-50, 1997 | 1 | 1997 |
The Auger 4D Case Study: Exploiting a Gulf of Mexico Turbidite Field by the Use of Time Lapsed Seismic Surveys T Kratochvil, T Beattie, J Bikun, P Bilinski, K van Luik, E Tchouparova, ... GCAGS Transactions 55, 400-400, 2005 | | 2005 |
Optical Propreties of Barium Vanadium Sulfide L Mihaly, G Mihaly, I Kezsmarki, L Forro, H Berger, CC Homes, GL Carr APS March Meeting Abstracts, G16. 004, 2001 | | 2001 |
Speciation of sulfur in petroleum wax deposits by sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy. ED Chouparova, MA Vairavamurthy, C Whitson ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 219, U692-U692, 2000 | | 2000 |