Bejoy K Thomas
Bejoy K Thomas
Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, IISER Pune, India
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Climate resilient development pathways
ELF Schipper, A Revi, BL Preston, ER Carr, SEH Eriksen, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022
Adapting to Climate Change in Rapidly Urbanizing River Basins: Insights from a Multiple Concerns, Multiple Stressors, and Multi Level Approach
S Lele, V Srinivasan, BK Thomas, P Jamwal
Water International, 2018
Water management in Arkavathy basin: A situation analysis
S Lele, V Srinivasan, P Jamwal, BK Thomas, M Eswar, TM Zuhail
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment., 2013
Adapting or Chasing Water? Crop Choice and Farmers' Responses to Water Stress in Peri Urban Bangalore, India
VS Patil, BK Thomas, S Lele, M Eswar, V Srinivasan
Irrigation and Drainage 68 (2), 140-151, 2019
Resilient and resourceful? A case study on how the poor cope in Kerala, India
BK Thomas, R Muradian, G de Groot, A de Ruijter
Journal of Asian and African Studies 45 (1), 29-45, 2010
The ‘boomerang effect’: insights for improved climate action
LA Swatuk, BK Thomas, L Wirkus, F Krampe, LPB da Silva
Climate and Development 13 (1), 61-67, 2021
Confronting or complementing? A case study on NGO–state relations from Kerala, India
BK Thomas, R Muradian, G De Groot, A De Ruijter
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 21 …, 2010
Addressing water stress through wastewater reuse: Complexities and challenges in Bangalore, India
P Jamwal, BK Thomas, S Lele, V Srinivasan
Proceedings of the Resilient Cities 2014 Congress, Bonn: ICLEI, 2014
Climate vulnerability and adaptation of water provisioning in developing countries: approaches to disciplinary and research-practice integration
V Srinivasan, BK Thomas, P Jamwal, S Lele
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (3-4), 378-383, 2013
Why is adoption of micro-irrigation slow in India? a review
J Nair, BK Thomas
Development in Practice, 2023
Methodological debate in poverty studies: towards ‘participatory qual–quant’?
BK Thomas
Development in practice 18 (2), 280-288, 2008
Multidimensional poverty and identification of poor households: A case from Kerala, India
BK Thomas, R Muradian, G De Groot, A De Ruijter
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 10 (2), 237-257, 2009
Participation in the Knowledge Society: the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement compared with participatory development
BK Thomas
Development in Practice 20 (2), 270-276, 2010
Proximate and underlying drivers of socio-hydrologic change in the upper Arkavathy watershed, India
V Srinivasan, G Penny, S Lele, BK Thomas, S Thompson
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2017
Beyond money metrics: Alternative approaches to conceptualising and assessing ecosystem services
S Purushothaman, BK Thomas, R Abraham, U Dhar
Conservation and Society 11 (4), 321-325, 2013
Flood in Krishna Basin: Institutional Responses to Flood Regulation
NV Killada, S Badiger, BK Thomas
Agony of Floods: Flood Induced Water Conflicts in India, 2012
The Boomerang Effect: Overview and Implications for Climate Governance
L Swatuk, L Wirkus, F Krampe, BK Thomas, LPB da Silva
Water, Climate Change and the Boomerang Effect: Unintentional Consequences …, 2018
Enhancing resilience or furthering vulnerability? Responses to water stress in an urbanizing basin in Southern India
BK Thomas, M Eswar, SD Kenchaigol, V Srinivasan, S Lele
Rethinking Resilience in Urbanizing River Basins
BK Thomas, S Lele, V Srinivasan, P Jamwal
Seminar 694, 55-58, 2017
Going With the Flow? Urban Wastewater and Livelihoods Change in Peri-urban Bengaluru
BK Thomas, N Deepthi, P Jamwal
Transcending Boundaries: Reflecting on Twenty Years of Action and Research …, 2017
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