Maria Angelica Vergara Wasserman
Maria Angelica Vergara Wasserman
Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria
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Generic values for soil-to-plant transfer factors of radiocesium
MJ Frissel, DL Deb, M Fathony, YM Lin, AS Mollah, NT Ngo, I Othman, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 58 (2-3), 113-128, 2002
Biogeochemistry of mercury in the Amazonian environment
JC Wasserman, S Hacon, MA Wasserman
Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment 32 (5), 336-342, 2003
Composted municipal waste effects on chemical properties of a Brazilian soil
DV Pérez, S Alcantara, CC Ribeiro, RE Pereira, GC Fontes, ...
Bioresource Technology 98 (3), 525-533, 2007
O ciclo do mercúrio no ambiente amazônico
JC Wasserman, SS Hacon, MA Wasserman
Mundo & vida 2 (1/2), 1-2, 2001
Mercury speciation in sediments of a tropical coastal environment
JC Wasserman, D Amouroux, MAV Wasserman, OFX Donard
Environmental technology 23 (8), 899-910, 2002
Predicting pollutant concentrations in the water column during dredging operations: Implications for sediment quality criteria
JC Wasserman, MAV Wasserman, PRG Barrocas, AM Almeida
Marine Pollution Bulletin 108 (1-2), 24-32, 2016
The effect of organic amendment on potential mobility and bioavailability of 137Cs and 60Co in tropical soils
MA Wasserman, F Bartoly, AP Portilho, ERR Rochedo, AG Viana, ...
Journal of environmental Radioactivity 99 (3), 554-562, 2008
Soil to plant transfer of 137Cs and 60Co in Ferralsol, Nitisol and Acrisol
MA Wasserman, F Bartoly, AG Viana, MM Silva, ERR Rochedo, DV Perez, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 99 (3), 546-553, 2008
Behavior of cesium-137 in some Brazilian oxisols
MA Wasserman, DV Pérez, ACM Bourg
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 33 (7-8), 1335-1349, 2002
Assessment of the mobility and bioavailability of 60 Co and 137 Cs in contaminated soils
MA Wasserman, F Bartoly, I Poquet, DV Perez
Modeling the dynamics of radionuclide concentration in food after an accident in tropical areas
DM Vinhas, ERR Rochedo, MAV Wasserman, LFC Conti
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento 7, 139-144, 2005
Biogeochemical behavior of 137 Cs and M Co in tropical soils
MA Wasserman, DV Perez, F Bartoly
Valores de transferência do 137Cs de Latossolos para plantas comestíveis
MAM Wasserman, LJ Belém
VI Congresso Geral de Energia Nuclear 400, 1996
Comportamento de metais em sedimentos
JC Wasserman, MA Wasserman
Poluição Marinha. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Interciência, 197-236, 2008
Terrestrial radioecology in tropical systems
K Tagami, JR Twining, MAV Wasserman
Radioactivity in the Environment 18, 155-230, 2012
The effect of nanohydroxyapatite on the behavior of metals in a microcosm simulating a lentic environment
MM Silva, DV Pérez, JC Wasserman, R Santos-Oliveira, MAV Wasserman
Environmental nanotechnology, monitoring & management 8, 219-227, 2017
Remediation strategies after nuclear or radiological accidents: part 1-database development
DNG Silva, MAV Wasserman, ERR Rochedo
Bio-geochemical behavior of 90Sr and 137Cs in tropical soil
JC Barescut, JC Gariel, JM Péres, MA Wasserman, AG Viana, F Bartoly, ...
Radioprotection 40 (S1), S135-S142, 2005
Geoquímica de radionuclídeos naturais em solos de áreas circunvizinhas a uma unidade de mineração e atividade de urânio
GV Cardoso, NMB Amaral Sobrinho, MAV Wasserman, N Mazur
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 33, 1909-1917, 2009
Behaviour of Cesium-137 in some Brazilian oxisols
MA Wasserman, DV Pérez, ACM Bourg
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 33 (78), 1335-1349, 2002
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Artigos 1–20