Carsten Sönnichsen
Carsten Sönnichsen
Physical Chemistry, University of Mainz
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Drastic reduction of plasmon damping in gold nanorods
C Sönnichsen, T Franzl, T Wilk, G von Plessen, J Feldmann, OV Wilson, ...
Physical review letters 88 (7), 077402, 2002
A molecular ruler based on plasmon coupling of single gold and silver nanoparticles
C Sönnichsen, BM Reinhard, J Liphardt, AP Alivisatos
Nature biotechnology 23 (6), 741-745, 2005
Planar metamaterial analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency for plasmonic sensing
N Liu, T Weiss, M Mesch, L Langguth, U Eigenthaler, M Hirscher, ...
Nano letters 10 (4), 1103-1107, 2010
Biomolecular recognition based on single gold nanoparticle light scattering
G Raschke, S Kowarik, T Franzl, C Sönnichsen, TA Klar, J Feldmann, ...
Nano letters 3 (7), 935-938, 2003
Mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using the fungus Fusarium acuminatum and its activity against some human pathogenic bacteria
A Ingle, A Gade, S Pierrat, C Sonnichsen, M Rai
Current nanoscience 4 (2), 141-144, 2008
Integration of colloidal nanocrystals into lithographically patterned devices
Y Cui, MT Björk, JA Liddle, C Sönnichsen, B Boussert, AP Alivisatos
Nano letters 4 (6), 1093-1098, 2004
Gold nanorods as novel nonbleaching plasmon-based orientation sensors for polarized single-particle microscopy
C Sönnichsen, AP Alivisatos
Nano letters 5 (2), 301-304, 2005
The optimal aspect ratio of gold nanorods for plasmonic bio-sensing
J Becker, A Trügler, A Jakab, U Hohenester, C Sönnichsen
Plasmonics 5, 161-167, 2010
Plasmonresonances in large noble-metal clusters
C Sönnichsen, T Franzl, T Wilk, G Von Plessen, J Feldmann
New Journal of Physics 4 (1), 93, 2002
Spectroscopy of single metallic nanoparticles using total internal reflection microscopy
C Sönnichsen, S Geier, NE Hecker, G Von Plessen, J Feldmann, ...
Applied Physics Letters 77 (19), 2949-2951, 2000
Separation of nanoparticles by gel electrophoresis according to size and shape
M Hanauer, S Pierrat, I Zins, A Lotz, C Sönnichsen
Nano letters 7 (9), 2881-2885, 2007
Synthesis of rod-shaped gold nanorattles with improved plasmon sensitivity and catalytic activity
Y Khalavka, J Becker, C Sonnichsen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (5), 1871-1875, 2009
Single unlabeled protein detection on individual plasmonic nanoparticles
I Ament, J Prasad, A Henkel, S Schmachtel, C Sonnichsen
Nano letters 12 (2), 1092-1095, 2012
Chemical interface damping depends on electrons reaching the surface
B Foerster, A Joplin, K Kaefer, S Celiksoy, S Link, C Sönnichsen
ACS nano 11 (3), 2886-2893, 2017
Plasmons in metal nanostructures
C Sönnichsen
Cuvillier Verlag, 1998
LbL multilayer capsules: recent progress and future outlook for their use in life sciences
LL Del Mercato, P Rivera-Gil, AZ Abbasi, M Ochs, C Ganas, I Zins, ...
Nanoscale 2 (4), 458-467, 2010
Controlled synthesis of hyperbranched inorganic nanocrystals with rich three-dimensional structures
AG Kanaras, C Sönnichsen, H Liu, AP Alivisatos
Nano letters 5 (11), 2164-2167, 2005
Absorption properties of metal–semiconductor hybrid nanoparticles
E Shaviv, O Schubert, M Alves-Santos, G Goldoni, R Di Felice, F Vallee, ...
ACS nano 5 (6), 4712-4719, 2011
Quantitative optical trapping of single gold nanorods
C Selhuber-Unkel, I Zins, O Schubert, C Sonnichsen, LB Oddershede
Nano letters 8 (9), 2998-3003, 2008
Nanoassembled plasmonic-photonic hybrid cavity for tailored light-matter coupling
M Barth, S Schietinger, S Fischer, J Becker, N Nusse, T Aichele, ...
Nano letters 10 (3), 891-895, 2010
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