Time-reversal symmetry-breaking superconductivity in Sr 2 RuO 4 GM Luke, Y Fudamoto, KM Kojima, MI Larkin, J Merrin, B Nachumi, ...
Nature 394 (6693), 558-561, 1998
1339 1998 Muon Spin Relaxation Studies of Zn-Substitution Effects in High- Cuprate Superconductors B Nachumi, A Keren, K Kojima, M Larkin, GM Luke, J Merrin, ...
Physical review letters 77 (27), 5421, 1996
306 1996 Reduction of Ordered Moment and Néel Temperature of Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets and KM Kojima, Y Fudamoto, M Larkin, GM Luke, J Merrin, B Nachumi, ...
Physical review letters 78 (9), 1787, 1997
230 1997 Muon spin relaxation studies of incommensurate magnetism and superconductivity in stage-4 and AT Savici, Y Fudamoto, IM Gat, T Ito, MI Larkin, YJ Uemura, GM Luke, ...
Physical Review B 66 (1), 014524, 2002
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Physical Review B 58 (13), 8760, 1998
177 1998 Free-solution, label-free protein-protein interactions characterized by dynamic light scattering AD Hanlon, MI Larkin, RM Reddick
Biophysical journal 98 (2), 297-304, 2010
120 2010 Antiferromagnetic Order with Spatially Inhomogeneous Ordered Moment Size of Zn- and Si-Doped KM Kojima, Y Fudamoto, M Larkin, GM Luke, J Merrin, B Nachumi, ...
Physical review letters 79 (3), 503, 1997
100 1997 Muon Spin Relaxation and Susceptibility Studies of the Pure and Diluted Spin Kagomé-Like Lattice System A Fukaya, Y Fudamoto, IM Gat, T Ito, MI Larkin, AT Savici, YJ Uemura, ...
Physical review letters 91 (20), 207603, 2003
95 2003 Magnetic phase transition in the S= zigzag-chain compound M Matsuda, K Katsumata, KM Kojima, M Larkin, GM Luke, J Merrin, ...
Physical Review B 55 (18), R11953, 1997
93 1997 Site-dilution in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet : Reduction of Néel temperature and spatial distribution of ordered moment sizes KM Kojima, J Yamanobe, H Eisaki, S Uchida, Y Fudamoto, IM Gat, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (9), 094402, 2004
83 2004 Muon-spin-relaxation investigation of the spin dynamics of geometrically frustrated chromium spinels MT Rovers, PP Kyriakou, HA Dabkowska, GM Luke, MI Larkin, AT Savici
Physical Review B 66 (17), 174434, 2002
66 2002 Two-dimensional nature of superconductivity in the intercalated layered systems and Muon spin relaxation and magnetization measurements T Ito, Y Fudamoto, A Fukaya, IM Gat-Malureanu, MI Larkin, PL Russo, ...
Physical Review B 69 (13), 134522, 2004
56 2004 Multi-angle light scattering as a process analytical technology measuring real-time molecular weight for downstream process control BA Patel, A Gospodarek, M Larkin, SA Kenrick, MA Haverick, N Tugcu, ...
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52 2018 Expansion of vortex cores by strong electronic correlation in at low magnetic induction R Kadono, W Higemoto, A Koda, MI Larkin, GM Luke, AT Savici, ...
Physical Review B 69 (10), 104523, 2004
28 2004 Field dependence of the muon spin relaxation rate in MnSi IM Gat-Malureanu, A Fukaya, MI Larkin, AJ Millis, PL Russo, AT Savici, ...
Physical review letters 90 (15), 157201, 2003
21 2003 Crossover from Dilute to Majority Spin Freezing in Two Leg Ladder System MI Larkin, Y Fudamoto, IM Gat, A Kinkhabwala, KM Kojima, GM Luke, ...
Physical review letters 85 (9), 1982, 2000
21 2000 Pressure dependence of the magnetic penetration depth in MI Larkin, A Kinkhabwala, YJ Uemura, Y Sushko, G Saito
Physical Review B 64 (14), 144514, 2001
19 2001 Depolarization in reentrant spin glasses: a comparison between neutron and muon probes IACGDM I. Mirebeau, M. Hennion, M.J.P. Gingras, A. Keren, K. Kojima, M ...
Hyperfine Interactions 104, 343–348, 1997
18 1997 Static Spin Freezing in Detected by Muon Spin Relaxation Y Fudamoto, KM Kojima, MI Larkin, GM Luke, J Merrin, B Nachumi, ...
Physical review letters 83 (16), 3301, 1999
14 1999 Dynamic spin fluctuations in the molecular ferromagnet (DMeFc)(TCNE) LP Le, A Keren, MI Larkin, GM Luke, WD Wu, YJ Uemura, JS Miller, ...
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