Eren Cakmak
Eren Cakmak
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MotionRugs: Visualizing collective trends in space and time
J Buchmüller, D Jäckle, E Cakmak, U Brandes, DA Keim
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 76-86, 2018
Multiscale Snapshots: Visual Analysis of Temporal Summaries in Dynamic Graphs
E Cakmak, U Schlegel, D Jäckle, D Keim, T Schreck
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 517-527, 2020
Spatio-temporal clustering benchmark for collective animal behavior
E Cakmak, M Plank, DS Calovi, A Jordan, D Keim
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Animal …, 2021
Visual Comparison of Language Model Adaptation
R Sevastjanova, E Cakmak, S Ravfogel, R Cotterell, M El-Assady
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (1), 1178-1188, 2022
VulnEx: Exploring Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities in Large Development Organizations to Understand Risk Exposure
FL Dennig, E Cakmak, H Plate, DA Keim
2021 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 79-83, 2021
Multiscale visualization: A structured literature analysis
E Cakmak, D Jäckle, T Schreck, DA Keim, J Fuchs
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (12), 4918-4929, 2021
MotionGlyphs: Visual Abstraction of Spatio-Temporal Networks in Collective Animal Behavior
E Cakmak, H Schäfer, J Buchmüller, J Fuchs, T Schreck, A Jordan, ...
SpatialRugs: A compact visualization of space and time for analyzing collective movement data
JF Buchmüller, U Schlegel, E Cakmak, DA Keim, E Dimara
Computers & Graphics 101, 23-34, 2021
dg2pix: Pixel-Based Visual Analysis of Dynamic Graphs
E Cakmak, D Jäckle, T Schreck, D Keim
2020 IEEE Visualization in Data Science (VDS) 1, 32-41, 2020
SpatialRugs: Enhancing Spatial Awareness of Movement in Dense Pixel Visualizations
JF Buchmüller, U Schlegel, E Cakmak, E Dimara, DA Keim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12282, 2020
Towards visual debugging for multi-target time series classification
U Schlegel, E Cakmak, H Arnout, M El-Assady, D Oelke, DA Keim
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2020
ModelSpeX: Model Specification Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence Methods
U Schlegel, E Cakmak, DA Keim
International Workshop on Machine Learning in Visualisation for Big Data …, 2020
Motif-Based Visual Analysis of Dynamic Networks
E Cakmak, J Fuchs, D Jäckle, T Schreck, U Brandes, D Keim
2022 IEEE Visualization in Data Science (VDS), 17-26, 2022
G-Rap: Interactive text synthesis using recurrent neural network suggestions
U Schlegel, E Cakmak, J Buchmüller, DA Keim
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence …, 2018
Time Series Projection to Highlight Trends and Outliers
E Cakmak, D Seebacher, J Buchmüller, DA Keim
2018 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 104-105, 2018
Visualisierung der COVID-19-Inzidenzen und Behandlungskapazitäten mit CoronaVis
W Jentner, F Sperrle, D Seebacher, M Kraus, R Sevastjanova, MT Fischer, ...
Visual Analytics for Supporting Conflict Resolution in Large Railway Networks
U Schlegel, W Jentner, J Buchmueller, E Cakmak, G Castiglia, R Canepa, ...
INNS Big Data and Deep Learning conference, 206-215, 2019
Applying visual analytics to explore and analyze movement data
E Cakmak, A Gärtner, T Hepp, J Buchmüller, F Fischer, DA Keim
2015 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 127-128, 2015
Moving Together: Towards a Formalization of Collective Movement
J Buchmüller, E Cakmak, N Andrienko, G Andrienko, JW Jolles, DA Keim
EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), 2019
Interactive Classification Using Spectrograms and Audio Glyphs
E Cakmak, U Schlegel, M Miller, J Buchmüller, W Jentner, DA Keim
2018 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 110-111, 2018
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