Miquel Ramírez
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Plan recognition as planning
M Ramırez, H Geffner
Proceedings of the 21st international joint conference on Artifical …, 2009
Probabilistic plan recognition using off-the-shelf classical planners
M Ramírez, H Geffner
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 24 (1), 1121-1126, 2010
Goal Recognition over POMDPs: Inferring the Intention of a POMDP Agent
M Ramırez, H Geffner
IJCAI 2011, 9, 2011
Interval-based Relaxation for General Numeric Planning
E Scala, P Haslum, S Thiebaux, M Ramirez
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 655-663, 2016
Foafing the Music: A Music Recommendation System based on RSS Feeds and User Preferences.
O Celma, M Ramírez, P Herrera
ISMIR, 464-467, 2005
Classical Planning with Simulators: Results on the Atari Video Games
N Lipovetzky, M Ramirez, H Geffner
International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Purely Declarative Action Representations are Overrated: Classical Planning with Simulators
G Frances, M Ramırez, N Lipovetzky, H Geffner
International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2017
Subgoaling techniques for satisficing and optimal numeric planning
E Scala, P Haslum, S Thiébaux, M Ramirez
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 68, 691-752, 2020
Action selection for transparent planning
AM MacNally, N Lipovetzky, M Ramirez, AR Pearce
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2018
Integrated Hybrid Planning and Programmed Control for Real–Time UAV Maneuvering
MZ Miquel Ramirez, Michael Papasimeon, Nir Lipovetzky, Tim Miller, Adrian ...
AAMAS 2018, 2018
Numeric planning with disjunctive global constraints via SMT
E Scala, M Ramirez, P Haslum, S Thiébaux
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2016
Lightweight automated planning toolkit
M Ramirez, N Lipovetzky, C Muise
Structural relaxations by variable renaming and their compilation for solving MinCostSAT
M Ramírez, H Geffner
International conference on principles and practice of constraint …, 2007
Agent-based simulation of Holocene monsoon precipitation patterns and hunter-gatherer population dynamics in semi-arid environments
AL Balbo, X Rubio-Campillo, B Rondelli, M Ramírez, C Lancelotti, ...
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 21, 426-446, 2014
Best-first width search in the IPC 2018: Complete, simulated, and polynomial variants
G Frances, H Geffner, N Lipovetzky, M Ramiréz
IPC-9 Planner Abstracts, 23-27, 2018
MAP-LAPKT: Omnipotent multi-agent planning via compilation to classical planning
C Muise, N Lipovetzky, M Ramirez
Competition of Distributed and Multi-Agent Planners (CoDMAP-15) 14, 2015
Width and inference based planners: Siw, bfs (f), and probe
N Lipovetzky, M Ramirez, C Muise, H Geffner
Proceedings of the 8th International Planning Competition (IPC-2014) 43, 2014
Effective Heuristics and Belief Tracking for Planning with Incomplete Information
A Albore, M Ramırez, H Geffner
Twenty-First International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling …, 2011
CLAM, yet another library for audio and music processing?
X Amatriain, P Arumí, M Ramírez
Companion of the 17th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented …, 2002
Online probabilistic goal recognition over nominal models
RF Pereira, M Vered, F Meneguzzi, M Ramirez
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019, 5547-5553, 2019
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