Long XIAO (肖龙)
Long XIAO (肖龙)
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Sedimentary evidence for a rapid, kilometer-scale crustal doming prior to the eruption of the Emeishan flood basalts
B He, YG Xu, SL Chung, L Xiao, Y Wang
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 213 (3-4), 391-405, 2003
Distinct mantle sources of low-Ti and high-Ti basalts from the western Emeishan large igneous province, SW China: implications for plume–lithosphere interaction
L Xiao, YG Xu, HJ Mei, YF Zheng, B He, F Pirajno
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228 (3-4), 525-546, 2004
Adakites: some variations on a theme
MJ Defant
Acta Petrol. Sin. 18, 129-142, 2002
Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope constraints on crustal melting associated with the Emeishan mantle plume
YG Xu, ZY Luo, XL Huang, B He, L Xiao, LW Xie, YR Shi
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 72 (13), 3084-3104, 2008
Origin of potassic (C-type) adakite magmas: experimental and field constraints
L Xiao, JD Clemens
Lithos 95 (3-4), 399-414, 2007
A young multilayered terrane of the northern Mare Imbrium revealed by Chang’E-3 mission
L Xiao, P Zhu, G Fang, Z Xiao, Y Zou, J Zhao, N Zhao, Y Yuan, L Qiao, ...
Science 347 (6227), 1226-1229, 2015
Late Triassic granitoids of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Geochronology, petrogenesis and implications for tectonic evolution
L Xiao, HF Zhang, JD Clemens, QW Wang, ZZ Kan, KM Wang, PZ Ni, ...
Lithos 96 (3-4), 436-452, 2007
Chemostratigraphic correlation of Upper Permian lavas from Yunnan Province, China: extent of the Emeishan large igneous province
L Xiao, YG Xu, SL Chung, B He, H Mei
International Geology Review 45 (8), 753-766, 2003
LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology of early Neoproterozoic mafic-intermediat intrusions from NW margin of the Yangtze Block, South China: Implication for tectonic evolution
L Xiao, HF Zhang, PZ Ni, H Xiang, XM Liu
Precambrian Research 154 (3-4), 221-235, 2007
Variety and complexity of the Late-Permian Emeishan basalts: reappraisal of plume–lithosphere interaction processes
Q He, L Xiao, B Balta, R Gao, J Chen
Lithos 119 (1-2), 91-107, 2010
Rapid recovery of life at ground zero of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
CM Lowery, TJ Bralower, JD Owens, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, H Jones, J Smit, ...
Nature 558 (7709), 288-291, 2018
China's Chang'e-5 landing site: Geology, stratigraphy, and provenance of materials
Y Qian, L Xiao, Q Wang, JW Head, R Yang, Y Kang, CH van der Bogert, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 561, 116855, 2021
Major element, trace element, and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope studies of Cenozoic basalts from the South China Sea
QS Yan, XF Shi, KS Wang, WR Bu, L Xiao
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 51, 550-566, 2008
Young lunar mare basalts in the Chang'e-5 sample return region, northern Oceanus Procellarum
Y Qian, L Xiao, JW Head, CH van der Bogert, H Hiesinger, L Wilson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 555, 116702, 2021
Geological characteristics of Von Kármán crater, northwestern south pole‐Aitken Basin: Chang'E‐4 landing site region
J Huang, Z Xiao, J Flahaut, M Martinot, J Head, X Xiao, M Xie, L Xiao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (7), 1684-1700, 2018
A new terrestrial analogue site for Mars research: the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau (NW China)
L Xiao, J Wang, Y Dang, Z Cheng, T Huang, J Zhao, Y Xu, J Huang, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 164, 84-101, 2017
Carboniferous–Permian extensive magmatism in the West Junggar, Xinjiang, northwestern China: its geochemistry, geochronology, and petrogenesis
R Gao, L Xiao, F Pirajno, G Wang, X He, G Yang, S Yan
Lithos 204, 125-143, 2014
Platinum-group element geochemistry of the continental flood basalts in the central Emeisihan Large Igneous Province, SW China
XY Song, RR Keays, L Xiao, HW Qi, C Ihlenfeld
Chemical Geology 262 (3-4), 246-261, 2009
Nature of the Dongwu movement and its temporal and spatial evolution
B He, YG Xu, YM Wang, L Xiao
Earth science 30 (1), 89-96, 2005
Geology and scientific significance of the Rümker region in northern Oceanus Procellarum: China's Chang'E‐5 landing region
YQ Qian, L Xiao, SY Zhao, JN Zhao, J Huang, J Flahaut, M Martinot, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (6), 1407-1430, 2018
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