Dr. Sandeep Panda
Dr. Sandeep Panda
Assistant Professor of Industrial Biotechnology, Gujarat Biotechnology University, INDIA
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Biotechnological strategies for the recovery of valuable and critical raw materials from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) – A review
Arda Işıldar, Eric D. van Hullebusch, Markus Lenz, Gijs Du Laing, Alessandra ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019
Current scenario of chalcopyrite bioleaching: A review on the recent advances to its heap leach technology
Sandeep Panda, Ata Akcil, Nilotpala Pradhan, Haci Deveci
Bioresource Technology 196, 694-706, 2015
Fe (III) reduction strategies of Dissimilatory Iron Reducing Bacteria
Jacitnha Esther, Lala Behari Sukla, Nilotpala Pradhan, Sandeep Panda
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 32 (1), 1-14, 2015
COVID-19 disruptions to tech-metals supply are a wake-up call
Ata Akcil, Zhi Sun, Sandeep Panda
Nature 587 (7834), 365-367, 2020
Advances in Biotechnological Applications of Waste Cooking Oil
Omojola Awogbemi, Daramy V.V. Kalon, Victor S. Aigbodion, Sandeep Panda
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2021
Recent advances in indium metallurgy: A review
D Pradhan, S Panda, LB Sukla
Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy review 39 (3), 167-180, 2018
Insights into heap bioleaching of low grade chalcopyrite ores-A pilot scale study
S Panda, K Sanjay, LB Sukla, N Pradhan, T Subbaiah, BK Mishra, ...
Hydrometallurgy, 2012
Acidophilic bioleaching: a review on the process and effect of organic–inorganic reagents and materials on its efficiency
M Jafari, H Abdollahi, SZ Shafaei, M Gharabaghi, H Jafari, A Akcil, ...
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 1-21, 2019
Biotechnological trends and market impact on the recovery of rare earth elements from bauxite residue (red mud)–A review
S Panda, RB Costa, SS Shah, S Mishra, D Bevilaqua, A Akcil
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 171, 105645, 2021
Extraction of copper from copper slag: Mineralogical insights, physical beneficiation and bioleaching studies
S.Panda, S.Mishra, D.S.Rao, N.Pradhan, U.B.Mohapatra, S.K.Angadi, B.K.Mishra
The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015
Two step meso-acidophilic bioleaching of chalcopyrite containing ball mill spillage and removal of the surface passivation layer
S Panda, PK Parhi, BD Nayak, N Pradhan, UB Mohapatra, LB Sukla
Bioresource technology 130, 332-338, 2013
Reductive dissolution by waste newspaper for enhanced meso-acidophilic bioleaching of copper from low grade chalcopyrite: A new concept of biohydrometallurgy
S Panda, A Biswal, S Mishra, PK Panda, N Pradhan, U Mohapatra, ...
Hydrometallurgy 153, 98-105, 2015
Hydrometallurgical Recycling Strategies for Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Consumer Electronic Scraps: A Review
A Akcil, YA Ibrahim, P Meshram, S Panda, Abhilash
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2021
Biodegradation of dibenzothiophene and its application in the production of clean coal
S Mishra, N Pradhan, S Panda, A Akcil
Fuel Processing Technology 152, 325-342, 2016
Bioleaching of Zn (II) and Pb (II) from Nigerian sphalerite and galena ores by mixed culture of acidophilic bacteria
FA Adekola, RF Atata, RN AHMED, S Panda
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 21 (11), 2535-2541, 2011
Extraction of copper from bacterial leach liquor of a low grade chalcopyrite test heap using LIX 984N-C
S Panda, PK Parhi, N Pradhan, UB Mohapatra, LB Sukla, KH Park
Hydrometallurgy 121, 116-119, 2012
Technological Trends, Emerging Applications and Metallurgical Strategies in Antimony Recovery from Stibnite
Seydou Dembele, Ata Akcil, Sandeep Panda
Minerals Engineering 175, 107304, 2022
Biotechnological Avenues in Mineral Processing: Fundamentals, Applications and Advances in Bioleaching and Bio-beneficiation
Srabani Mishra, Sandeep Panda, Ata Akcil, Seydou Dembele
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 44 (1), 22-51, 2023
Environmental Microbial Biotechnology
Lala Behari Sukla, Nilotpala Pradhan, Sandeep Panda, Barada Kanta Mishra 45, 338, 2015
Prediction and Optimization Studies for Bioleaching of Molybdenite Concentrate Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm
Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sied Ziaedin Shafaei, Ata Akcil, Sandeep ...
Minerals Engineering 130, 24-35, 2019
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