Thomas Däubler
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Personal vote‐seeking in flexible list systems: How electoral incentives shape Belgian MPs' bill initiation behaviour
T Bräuninger, M Brunner, T Däubler
European Journal of Political Research 51 (5), 607-645, 2012
Natural sentences as valid units for coded political texts
T Däubler, K Benoit, S Mikhaylov, M Laver
British Journal of Political Science 42 (4), 937-951, 2012
Government formation and policy formulation in the German states
T Däubler, M Debus
Regional & Federal Studies 19 (1), 73-95, 2009
The preparation and use of election manifestos: learning from the Irish case
T Däubler
Irish Political Studies 27 (1), 51-70, 2012
Is personal vote‐seeking behavior effective?
T Däubler, T Bräuninger, M Brunner
Legislative Studies Quarterly 41 (2), 419-444, 2016
Holding individual representatives accountable: The role of electoral systems
L Rudolph, T Däubler
The Journal of Politics 78 (3), 746-762, 2016
Scaling hand-coded political texts to learn more about left-right policy content
T Däubler, K Benoit
Party Politics 28 (5), 834-844, 2022
Assessing democratic representation in multi-level democracies
T Däubler, J Müller, C Stecker
Democratic Representation in Multi-level Systems, 1-24, 2020
Parliamentary activity, re-selection and the personal vote. Evidence from flexible-list systems
T Däubler, L Christensen, L Linek
Parliamentary Affairs 71 (4), 930-949, 2018
Wie entstehen Wahlprogramme? Eine Untersuchung zur Landtagswahl in Baden-Württemberg 2006
T Däubler
ZPol Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 22 (3), 333-365, 2013
Ballot structure, list flexibility and policy representation
T Däubler, S Hix
Journal of European Public Policy 25 (12), 1798-1816, 2018
Cue-taking, satisficing, or both? Quasi-experimental evidence for ballot position effects
T Däubler, L Rudolph
Political Behavior 42 (2), 625-652, 2020
Veto players and welfare state change: What delays social entitlement bills?
T Däubler
Journal of Social Policy 37 (4), 683-706, 2008
National policy for local reasons: how MPs represent party and geographical constituency through initiatives on social security
T Däubler
Acta Politica 55 (3), 472-491, 2020
Introducing COMEPELDA: Comprehensive European Parliament electoral data covering rules, parties and candidates
T Däubler, M Chiru, SSL Hermansen
European Union Politics 23 (2), 351-371, 2022
Nonresponseanalysen der Stichprobe F des SOEP
T Däubler
DIW Materialien, 2002
Do citizens use sociodemographic characteristics as cues to infer candidate issue positions?
T Däubler, F Quoß, L Rudolph
Swiss Political Science Review 27 (4), 731-753, 2021
The empirical determinants of manifesto content
T Däubler, K Benoit
EPSA 2013 Annual General Conference Paper 205, 2013
How open lists undermine the electoral support of cohesive parties
T Bräuninger, T Däubler, R Huber, L Rudolph
British Journal of Political Science 52 (4), 1931-1943, 2022
Links-rechts und darüber hinaus–eine Neuvermessung der deutschen Parteienlandschaft mit einem auf die MARPOR/CMP-Daten angewandten IRT-Modell
T Däubler
Parteien unter Wettbewerbsdruck, 57-88, 2017
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Artigos 1–20