patrick dangla
patrick dangla
Gustave Eiffel University
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Investigation of the carbonation mechanism of CH and CSH in terms of kinetics, microstructure changes and moisture properties
A Morandeau, M Thiery, P Dangla
Cement and concrete research 56, 153-170, 2014
Investigation of the carbonation front shape on cementitious materials: Effects of the chemical kinetics
M Thiery, G Villain, P Dangla, G Platret
Cement and concrete research 37 (7), 1047-1058, 2007
Pore structure characterization of cement pastes blended with high-volume fly-ash
Q Zeng, K Li, T Fen-Chong, P Dangla
Cement and Concrete Research 42 (1), 194-204, 2012
Determination of cement hydration and pozzolanic reaction extents for fly-ash cement pastes
Q Zeng, K Li, T Fen-chong, P Dangla
Construction and Building Materials 27 (1), 560-569, 2012
Impact of accelerated carbonation on OPC cement paste blended with fly ash
A Morandeau, M Thiéry, P Dangla
Cement and Concrete Research 67, 226-236, 2015
Seismic site–city interaction: main governing phenomena through simplified numerical models
M Kham, JF Semblat, PY Bard, P Dangla
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (5), 1934-1951, 2006
Carbonation kinetics of a bed of recycled concrete aggregates: A laboratory study on model materials
M Thiery, P Dangla, P Belin, G Habert, N Roussel
Cement and concrete research 46, 50-65, 2013
The equivalent pore pressure and the swelling and shrinkage of cement-based materials
O Coussy, P Dangla, T Lassabatère, V Baroghel-Bouny
Materials and structures 37, 15-20, 2004
Surface fractal analysis of pore structure of high-volume fly-ash cement pastes
Q Zeng, K Li, T Fen-Chong, P Dangla
Applied Surface Science 257 (3), 762-768, 2010
Degradation modelling of concrete submitted to sulfuric acid attack
H Yuan, P Dangla, P Chatellier, T Chaussadent
Cement and Concrete Research 53, 267-277, 2013
Numerical analysis of seismic wave amplification in Nice (France) and comparisons with experiments
JF Semblat, AM Duval, P Dangla
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 19 (5), 347-362, 2000
Measurement and modeling of adsorptive–poromechanical properties of bituminous coal cores exposed to CO2: Adsorption, swelling strains, swelling stresses and impact on fracture …
DN Espinoza, M Vandamme, JM Pereira, P Dangla, S Vidal-Gilbert
International Journal of Coal Geology 134, 80-95, 2014
Analysis of pore structure, contact angle and pore entrapment of blended cement pastes from mercury porosimetry data
Q Zeng, K Li, T Fen-Chong, P Dangla
Cement and Concrete Composites 34 (9), 1053-1060, 2012
A study of freezing behavior of cementitious materials by poromechanical approach
Q Zeng, T Fen-Chong, P Dangla, K Li
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (22-23), 3267-3273, 2011
Pore size analyses of cement paste exposed to external sulfate attack and delayed ettringite formation
Y Gu, RP Martin, OO Metalssi, T Fen-Chong, P Dangla
Cement and Concrete Research 123, 105766, 2019
Desorption-induced shear failure of coal bed seams during gas depletion
DN Espinoza, JM Pereira, M Vandamme, P Dangla, S Vidal-Gilbert
International Journal of Coal Geology 137, 142-151, 2015
Assessment and prediction of RC structure service life by means of durability indicators and physical/chemical models
V Baroghel-Bouny, TQ Nguyen, P Dangla
Cement and Concrete Composites 31 (8), 522-534, 2009
Degradation modeling of concrete submitted to biogenic acid attack
H Yuan, P Dangla, P Chatellier, T Chaussadent
Cement and Concrete Research 70, 29-38, 2015
Seismic site effects in a deep alluvial basin: numerical analysis by the boundary element method
JF Semblat, AM Duval, P Dangla
Computers and geotechnics 29 (7), 573-585, 2002
Modelling of coupled ion and moisture transport in porous building materials
TQ Nguyen, J Petković, P Dangla, V Baroghel-Bouny
Construction and building materials 22 (11), 2185-2195, 2008
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Artigos 1–20