Murilo Ricardo Zibetti
Murilo Ricardo Zibetti
UNISINOS (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos) - São Leopoldo - RS - Brasil
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Relationship between inflammation and oxidative stress and cognitive decline in the institutionalized elderly
M Baierle, SN Nascimento, AM Moro, N Brucker, F Freitas, B Gauer, ...
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2015 (1), 804198, 2015
Fatty acid status and its relationship to cognitive decline and homocysteine levels in the elderly
M Baierle, PH Vencato, L Oldenburg, S Bordignon, M Zibetti, CM Trentini, ...
Nutrients 6 (9), 3624-3640, 2014
Estudo comparativo de funções neuropsicológicas entre grupos etários de 21 a 90 anos
MR Zibetti, G Gindri, J Pawlowski, JF de Salles, MAMP Parente, ...
Neuropsicologia Latinoamericana 2 (1), 2010
Normas de associação semântica para 88 palavras do português brasileiro
JF Salles, CS Holderbaum, N Becker, JC Rodrigues, FV Liedtke, ...
Psico (Porto Alegre), 362-370, 2008
Brazilian child protection professionals’ resilient behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
SR Priolo Filho, D Goldfarb, MR Zibetti, C Aznar-Blefari
Child Abuse & Neglect 110, 104701, 2020
Psychological distress of university workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
FB Serralta, MR Zibetti, C Evans
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (22), 8520, 2020
WCST and NEUPSILIN: relationships among executive functions, attention, memory and language
DB Yates, MR Zibetti, J Pawlowski, JF Salles, MAMP Parente, IL Argimon, ...
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 26, 506-515, 2013
Funções executivas pós-lesão de hemisfério direito: estudo comparativo e freqüência de déficits
G Gindri, MR Zibetti, RP Fonseca
Psico 39 (3), 2008
Screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders: are subscale scores reliable? A bifactor model analysis
DA DeSousa, MR Zibetti, CM Trentini, SH Koller, GG Manfro, GA Salum
Journal of anxiety disorders 28 (8), 966-970, 2014
Are delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase inhibition and metal concentrations additional factors for the age-related cognitive decline?
M Baierle, MF Charão, G Göethel, A Barth, R Fracasso, G Bubols, E Sauer, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11 (10 …, 2014
Avaliação de apraxias em pacientes com lesão cerebrovascular em hemisfério esquerdo
J de Carvalho Rodrigues, J Pawlowski, MR Zibetti, RP Fonseca, ...
Psicologia: Teoria e prática 13 (2), 209-220, 2011
Representations of food among vegetarians in Brazil: A psychosocial approach
GM Polli, FM da Silveira, FM Magnabosco, GHS dos Santos, PD Stella, ...
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 24, 100317, 2021
Semantic association norms for 20 categories in adults and elderly
S Bordignon, MR Zibetti, CM Trentini, AC Resende, CASM Minervino, ...
Psico-USF 20, 97-108, 2015
Influência da percepção de risco sobre a COVID-19 no sofrimento psicológico dos profissionais de saúde
PG Brust-Renck, J Ferrari, MR Zibetti, FB Serralta
Psico 52 (3), e41408-e41408, 2021
Assessment of an academic skills development program for youths in juvenile correctional facilities
VHP Erlich, MR Zibetti, PIC Gomide
Trends in Psychology 27, 325-337, 2019
Relationship between inflammation and oxidative stress and cognitive decline in the institutionalized elderly. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015; 2015: 804198
M Baierle, SN Nascimento, AM Moro, N Brucker, F Freitas, B Gauer, ...
Longitudinal Distress among Brazilian University Workers during Pandemics
MR Zibetti, FB Serralta, C Evans
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (17), 9072, 2021
Evidence of clinical, criterion, and convergent validity of the Brazilian version of the picture Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test with Immediate Recall (pFCSRT-IR).
MR Zibetti, AH Pereira, AJ Lehnen, G Zuñeda Peres Duarte, ...
Psychology & Neuroscience 12 (2), 169, 2019
Padrão de consumo e expectativas em relação ao cigarro entre universitários
F Lopes, SM da Cunha, M Zibetti, L Bizarro
Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças 15 (2), 439-453, 2014
The global impact of COVID-19 on child protection professionals: A scoping review and thematic analysis
C Katz, T Glucklich, A Attrash-Najjar, M Jacobson, N Cohen, N Varela, ...
Child Abuse & Neglect, 106347, 2023
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