Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Wenyu LiuSaiba mais
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A weakly-supervised framework for COVID-19 classification and lesion localization from chest CT
X Wang, X Deng, Q Fu, Q Zhou, J Feng, H Ma, W Liu, C Zheng
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (8), 2615-2625, 2020
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A unified framework for multioriented text detection and recognition
C Yao, X Bai, W Liu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (11), 4737-4749, 2014
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Indoor localization based on curve fitting and location search using received signal strength
B Wang, S Zhou, W Liu, Y Mo
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 62 (1), 572-582, 2014
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Automated diagnosis of prostate cancer in multi-parametric MRI based on multimodal convolutional neural networks
MH Le, J Chen, L Wang, Z Wang, W Liu, KTT Cheng, X Yang
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (16), 6497, 2017
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cascaded segmentation-detection networks for text-based traffic sign detection
Y Zhu, M Liao, M Yang, W Liu
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 19 (1), 209-219, 2017
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Prenatal exposure to bisphenol A and its alternatives and child neurodevelopment at 2 years
Y Jiang, J Li, S Xu, Y Zhou, H Zhao, Y Li, C Xiong, X Sun, H Liu, W Liu, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 388, 121774, 2020
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Maternal urinary cadmium concentrations in relation to preterm birth in the Healthy Baby Cohort Study in China
J Yang, W Huo, B Zhang, T Zheng, Y Li, X Pan, W Liu, H Chang, M Jiang, ...
Environment international 94, 300-306, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Recurrent neural network based recommendation for time heterogeneous feedback
C Wu, J Wang, J Liu, W Liu
Knowledge-Based Systems 109, 90-103, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Maternal arsenic exposure and birth outcomes: A birth cohort study in Wuhan, China
H Liu, S Lu, B Zhang, W Xia, W Liu, Y Peng, H Zhang, K Wu, S Xu, Y Li
Environmental Pollution 236, 817-823, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Large-scale longitudinal metabolomics study reveals different trimester-specific alterations of metabolites in relation to gestational diabetes mellitus
H Zhao, H Li, ACK Chung, L Xiang, X Li, Y Zheng, H Luan, L Zhu, W Liu, ...
Journal of proteome research 18 (1), 292-300, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Fetal exposure to lead during pregnancy and the risk of preterm and early-term deliveries
L Cheng, B Zhang, W Huo, Z Cao, W Liu, J Liao, W Xia, S Xu, Y Li
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 220 (6), 984-989, 2017
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Depth-projection-map-based bag of contour fragments for robust hand gesture recognition
B Feng, F He, X Wang, Y Wu, H Wang, S Yi, W Liu
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (4), 511-523, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Learning multi-instance deep discriminative patterns for image classification
P Tang, X Wang, B Feng, W Liu
IEEE transactions on image processing 26 (7), 3385-3396, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Face alignment with deep regression
B Shi, X Bai, W Liu, J Wang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (1), 183-194, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Unsupervised local deep feature for image recognition
Y Wang, X Wang, W Liu
Information Sciences 351, 67-75, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
On efficient utilization of green energy in heterogeneous cellular networks
B Wang, Q Kong, W Liu, LT Yang
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (2), 846-857, 2015
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Representing conditional preference by boosted regression trees for recommendation
J Liu, C Sui, D Deng, J Wang, B Feng, W Liu, C Wu
Information Sciences 327, 1-20, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Minimum cost placement of bistatic radar sensors for belt barrier coverage
B Wang, J Chen, W Liu, LT Yang
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (2), 577-588, 2015
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Variations, determinants, and coexposure patterns of personal care product chemicals among Chinese pregnant women: a longitudinal study
J Li, W Liu, W Xia, H Zhao, Y Zhou, Y Li, C Wu, H Liu, B Zhang, Y Zhu, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (11), 6546-6555, 2019
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Conditional preference in recommender systems
W Liu, C Wu, B Feng, J Liu
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (2), 774-788, 2015
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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