Karleyne M G Silva
Karleyne M G Silva
Gemini Observatory
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Exploratory spectroscopy of magnetic cataclysmic variables candidates and other variable objects
AS Oliveira, CV Rodrigues, D Cieslinski, FJ Jablonski, KMG Silva, ...
The Astronomical Journal 153 (4), 144, 2017
GHOST commissioning science results: identifying a new chemically peculiar star in Reticulum II
CR Hayes, KA Venn, F Waller, J Jensen, AW McConnachie, J Pazder, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 955 (1), 17, 2023
Análise das principais dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores quanto ao ensino de ciências da natureza em meio a pandemia do covid-19
ACG Vitor, KM SILVA, CB Lopes
Anais VII CONEDU-Edição Online. Realize Editora, 2020
Tips and tricks in linear imaging polarimetry of extended sources with FORS2 at the VLT
S González-Gaitán, AM Mourão, F Patat, JP Anderson, A Cikota, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 634, A70, 2020
Stokes imaging of AM Her systems using 3D inhomogeneous models – II. Modelling X-ray and optical data of CP Tucanae
KMG Silva, CV Rodrigues, JER Costa, CA de Souza, D Cieslinski, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432 (2), 1587-1599, 2013
Exploratory Spectroscopy of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables Candidates and Other Variable Objects. II
AS Oliveira, CV Rodrigues, M Martins, MS Palhares, KMG Silva, IJ Lima, ...
The Astronomical Journal 159 (3), 114, 2020
Concept of SPARC4: a simultaneous polarimeter and rapid camera in 4 bands
CV Rodrigues, K Taylor, FJ Jablonski, M Assafin, A Carciofi, D Cieslinski, ...
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV 8446, 773-785, 2012
MLS110213: 022733+ 130617: a new eclipsing polar above the period gap
KMG Silva, CV Rodrigues, AS Oliveira, LA Almeida, D Cieslinski, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451 (4), 4183-4192, 2015
Gemini High-resolution Optical Spectrograph (GHOST) at Gemini South: Instrument Performance and Integration, First Science, and Next Steps
VM Kalari, RJ Diaz, G Robertson, A McConnachie, M Ireland, R Salinas, ...
The Astronomical Journal 168 (5), 208, 2024
Breaking the degeneracy in magnetic cataclysmic variable X-ray spectral modeling using X-ray light curves
D Belloni, CV Rodrigues, MR Schreiber, M Castro, JER Costa, T Hayashi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 256 (2), 45, 2021
Optical observations and cyclops post-shock region modelling of the polar V348 Pav
AS Oliveira, CV Rodrigues, MS Palhares, MP Diaz, D Belloni, KMG Silva
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489 (3), 4032-4042, 2019
Search for magnetic accretion in SW Sextantis systems
IJ Lima, CV Rodrigues, CEF Lopes, P Szkody, FJ Jablonski, AS Oliveira, ...
The Astronomical Journal 161 (5), 225, 2021
Produção pesqueira do Baixo Rio Tietê, nos anos de 2003-2004
LS Maruyama, PMG Castro, P Paiva, M Silva, KM Silva
Sér Relat Téc 45, 1-16, 2010
GHOST commissioning science results–III. Characterizing an iron-poor damped Lyman α system
TAM Berg, CR Hayes, S Cristiani, A McConnachie, JG Robertson, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (4), 3815-3822, 2024
SPARC4 A simultaneous polarimeter and rapid camera in 4 bands
CV Rodrigues, FJ Jablonski, K Taylor, T Dominici, R Laporte, A Pereyra, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1429 (1), 252-255, 2012
Time-resolved spectroscopy of the polar RBS0324 (= 1RXS J023052. 9-684203)
D Cieslinski, CV Rodrigues, KMG Silva, MP Diaz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1102.3371, 2011
Construção da'participação popular': análise comparativa de experiências de participação na discussão pública do orçamento em municípios da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS
Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) IFCH, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, 2001
The accretion column of AE Aqr
C Rodrigues, K da Silva, G Luna, J Coelho, I Lima, J Costa, J de Araujo
The X-ray Universe, 2017
Confirming the magnetic nature of the white dwarf in CRTS J160346+ 193540
AC Mattiuci, CV Rodrigues, AS Oliveira, IJ Lima, KM Silva, DC Souza, ...
Boletim da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira 35 (1), 197-198, 2024
Observational study of the polar cataclysmic variable candidate CRTS J091936. 6− 055519
N Palivanas, AS Oliveira, CV Rodrigues, DC Souza, IJ Lima, KMG Silva, ...
Boletim da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira 35 (1), 211-214, 2024
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