Olivier Alata
Olivier Alata
Professor of Computer Science, Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne
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Unsupervised textured image segmentation using 2-D quarter plane autoregressive model with four prediction supports
O Alata, C Ramananjarasoa
Pattern Recognition Letters 26 (8), 1069-1081, 2005
Unsupervised segmentation for automatic detection of brain tumors in MRI
AS Capelle, O Alata, C Fernandez, S Lefèvre, JC Ferrie
Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2000
Choice of a pertinent color space for color texture characterization using parametric spectral analysis
O Alata, JC Burie, A Moussa, C Fernandez-Maloigne
Pattern Recognition 44 (1), 16-31, 2011
Is there a best color space for color image characterization or representation based on multivariate Gaussian mixture model?
O Alata, L Quintard
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 113 (8), 867-877, 2009
Joint color-spatial-directional clustering and region merging (JCSD-RM) for unsupervised RGB-D image segmentation
MA Hasnat, O Alata, A Tremeau
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 38 (11), 2255 …, 2015
Classification of rotated and scaled textures using HMHV spectrum estimation and the Fourier-Mellin transform
O Alata, C Cariou, C Ramananjarasoa, M Najim
Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat …, 1998
Micro-expression spotting using the Riesz pyramid
CA Duque, O Alata, R Emonet, AC Legrand, H Konik
2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 66-74, 2018
Functional principal component analysis for global sensitivity analysis of model with spatial output
TVE Perrin, O Roustant, J Rohmer, O Alata, JP Naulin, D Idier, R Pedreros, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 211, 107522, 2021
Choice of a 2-D causal autoregressive texture model using information criteria
O Alata, C Olivier
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (9-10), 1191-1201, 2003
Color spectral analysis for spatial structure characterization of textures in IHLS color space
O Alata, JC Burie, C Fernandez-Maloigne
Pattern Recognition 43 (3), 663-675, 2010
Unsupervised RGB-D image segmentation using joint clustering and region merging
MA Hasnat, O Alata, A Trémeau
J-STSP 6 (5), 505-521, 2012
Mean oriented Riesz features for micro expression classification
CA Duque, O Alata, R Emonet, H Konik, AC Legrand
Pattern Recognition Letters 135, 382-389, 2020
A new 2-D spectrum estimate using multichannel AR approach of 2-D fast RLS algorithms
O Alata, P Baylou, M Najim
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing 2, 442-445, 1997
Wavelet-Based Reflection Symmetry Detection via Textural and Color Histograms.
M Elawady, C Ducottet, O Alata, C Barat, P Colantoni
ICCV Workshops, 1725-1733, 2017
Model-based hierarchical clustering with Bregman divergences and Fishers mixture model: application to depth image analysis
MA Hasnat, O Alata, A Tremeau
Statistics and Computing 26, 861-880, 2016
Unsupervised clustering of depth images using watson mixture model
MA Hasnat, O Alata, A Trémeau
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 214-219, 2014
Law recognitions by information criteria for the statistical modeling of small scale fading of the radio mobile channel
O Alata, C Olivier, Y Pousset
Signal processing 93 (5), 1064-1078, 2013
Transform image coding with global thresholding: application to baseline jpeg
AO Zaid, C Olivier, O Alata, F Marmoiton
Proceedings XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image …, 2001
Non-stationary texture synthesis from random field modeling
AM Atto, Z Tan, O Alata, M Moreaud
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4266-4270, 2014
Information criteria and arithmetic codings: an illustration on raw images
G Coq, C Olivier, O Alata, M Arnaudon
2007 15th European Signal Processing Conference, 634-638, 2007
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