An introduction to boundary layer meteorology RB Stull Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 14079 | 2012 |
An Introduktion to Boundary Layer Meteorology RB Stull Kluwer academic publishers, 1991 | 1774 | 1991 |
Meteorology for scientists and engineers: a technical companion book with Ahrens' Meteorology Today RB Stull Brooks/Cole, 2000 | 1028 | 2000 |
Wet-bulb temperature from relative humidity and air temperature R Stull Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 50 (11), 2267-2269, 2011 | 782 | 2011 |
Rapid attribution analysis of the extraordinary heat wave on the Pacific coast of the US and Canada in June 2021 SY Philip, SF Kew, GJ Van Oldenborgh, FS Anslow, SI Seneviratne, ... Earth System Dynamics 13 (4), 1689-1713, 2022 | 366 | 2022 |
The energetics of entrainment across a density interface RB Stull Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 33 (7), 1260-1267, 1976 | 297 | 1976 |
Kalman filter and analog schemes to postprocess numerical weather predictions L Delle Monache, T Nipen, Y Liu, G Roux, R Stull Monthly Weather Review 139 (11), 3554-3570, 2011 | 291 | 2011 |
Long‐range transport of Asian dust to the lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada IG McKendry, JP Hacker, R Stull, S Sakiyama, D Mignacca, K Reid Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 106 (D16), 18361-18370, 2001 | 288 | 2001 |
Transilient turbulence theory. Part I: The concept of eddy-mixing across finite distances RB Stull Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 41 (23), 3351-3367, 1984 | 252 | 1984 |
Evaporation over land-surfaces: First results from HAPEX-MOBILHY special observing period JC Andre, JP Goutorbe, A Perrier, F Becker, P Bessemoulin, P Bougeault, ... Annales Geophysicae 6 (5), 477-492, 1988 | 229 | 1988 |
A fair-weather cumulus cloud classification scheme for mixed-layer studies RB Stull Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 24 (1), 49-56, 1985 | 180 | 1985 |
Mean boundary layer characteristics RB Stull An introduction to boundary layer meteorology, 1-27, 1988 | 178 | 1988 |
Internal gravity waves generated by penetrative convection RB Stull Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 33 (7), 1279-1286, 1976 | 176 | 1976 |
Meteorology today for scientists and engineers RB Stull, CD Ahrens West Pub., 1995 | 166 | 1995 |
Review of non-local mixing in turbulent atmospheres: Transilient turbulence theory RB Stull Boundary-Layer Meteorology 62 (1), 21-96, 1993 | 144 | 1993 |
Inversion rise model based on penetrative convection RB Stull Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 30 (6), 1092-1099, 1973 | 143 | 1973 |
Ozone ensemble forecasts: 2. A Kalman filter predictor bias correction L Delle Monache, T Nipen, X Deng, Y Zhou, R Stull Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D5), 2006 | 138 | 2006 |
An ensemble air-quality forecast over western Europe during an ozone episode L Delle Monache, RB Stull Atmospheric Environment 37 (25), 3469-3474, 2003 | 136 | 2003 |
Static stability—An update RB Stull Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 72 (10), 1521-1530, 1991 | 131 | 1991 |
Evaluation of cumulus and microphysics parameterizations in WRF across the convective gray zone J Jeworrek, G West, R Stull Weather and Forecasting 34 (4), 1097-1115, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |