Harold F. Levison
Harold F. Levison
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The usno-b catalog
DG Monet, SE Levine, B Canzian, HD Ables, AR Bird, CC Dahn, ...
The Astronomical Journal 125 (2), 984, 2003
Origin of the cataclysmic Late Heavy Bombardment period of the terrestrial planets
R Gomes, HF Levison, K Tsiganis, A Morbidelli
Nature 435 (7041), 466-469, 2005
Origin of the orbital architecture of the giant planets of the Solar System
K Tsiganis, R Gomes, A Morbidelli, HF Levison
Nature 435 (7041), 459-461, 2005
The long-term dynamical behavior of short-period comets
HF Levison, MJ Duncan
Icarus 108 (1), 18-36, 1994
Chaotic capture of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids in the early Solar System
A Morbidelli, HF Levison, K Tsiganis, R Gomes
Nature 435 (7041), 462-465, 2005
Debiased orbital and absolute magnitude distribution of the near-Earth objects
WF Bottke Jr, A Morbidelli, R Jedicke, JM Petit, HF Levison, P Michel, ...
Icarus 156 (2), 399-433, 2002
From the Kuiper belt to Jupiter-family comets: The spatial distribution of ecliptic comets
HF Levison, MJ Duncan
Icarus 127 (1), 13-32, 1997
Cratering rates in the outer Solar System
K Zahnle, P Schenk, H Levison, L Dones
Icarus 163 (2), 263-289, 2003
The fossilized size distribution of the main asteroid belt
WF Bottke Jr, DD Durda, D Nesvorný, R Jedicke, A Morbidelli, ...
Icarus 175 (1), 111-140, 2005
A Multiple Time Step Symplectic Algorithm for Integrating CloseEncounters
MJ Duncan, HF Levison, MH Lee
The Astronomical Journal 116 (4), 2067, 1998
Origin of the structure of the Kuiper belt during a dynamical instability in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune
HF Levison, A Morbidelli, C VanLaerhoven, R Gomes, K Tsiganis
Icarus 196 (1), 258-273, 2008
Cometary origin of the zodiacal cloud and carbonaceous micrometeorites. Implications for hot debris disks
D Nesvorný, P Jenniskens, HF Levison, WF Bottke, D Vokrouhlický, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 713 (2), 816, 2010
A disk of scattered icy objects and the origin of Jupiter-family comets
MJ Duncan, HF Levison
Science 276 (5319), 1670-1672, 1997
Asteroids were born big
A Morbidelli, WF Bottke, D Nesvorný, HF Levison
Icarus 204 (2), 558-573, 2009
Linking the collisional history of the main asteroid belt to its dynamical excitation and depletion
WF Bottke Jr, DD Durda, D Nesvorný, R Jedicke, A Morbidelli, ...
Icarus 179 (1), 63-94, 2005
Dynamical lifetimes of objects injected into asteroid belt resonances
BJ Gladman, F Migliorini, A Morbidelli, V Zappala, P Michel, A Cellino, ...
Science 277 (5323), 197-201, 1997
On the character and consequences of large impacts in the late stage of terrestrial planet formation
CB Agnor, RM Canup, HF Levison
Icarus 142 (1), 219-237, 1999
Terrestrial planet formation with strong dynamical friction
DP O'Brien, A Morbidelli, HF Levison
Icarus 184 (1), 39-58, 2006
An Archaean heavy bombardment from a destabilized extension of the asteroid belt
WF Bottke, D Vokrouhlický, D Minton, D Nesvorný, A Morbidelli, R Brasser, ...
Nature 485 (7396), 78-81, 2012
The dynamical structure of the Kuiper belt
MJ Duncan, HF Levison, SM Budd
Astronomical Journal v. 110, p. 3073 110, 3073, 1995
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