Jan Lellmann
Jan Lellmann
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A comparative study of modern inference techniques for structured discrete energy minimization problems
JH Kappes, B Andres, FA Hamprecht, C Schnörr, S Nowozin, D Batra, ...
International Journal of Computer Vision 115, 155-184, 2015
A comparative study of modern inference techniques for discrete energy minimization problems
J Kappes, B Andres, F Hamprecht, C Schnorr, S Nowozin, D Batra, S Kim, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013
Convex multi-class image labeling by simplex-constrained total variation
J Lellmann, J Kappes, J Yuan, F Becker, C Schnörr
International conference on scale space and variational methods in computer …, 2009
Continuous multiclass labeling approaches and algorithms
J Lellmann, C Schnörr
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (4), 1049-1096, 2011
Imaging with Kantorovich--Rubinstein Discrepancy
J Lellmann, DA Lorenz, C Schonlieb, T Valkonen
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7 (4), 2833-2859, 2014
Total variation regularization for functions with values in a manifold
J Lellmann, E Strekalovskiy, S Koetter, D Cremers
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2944-2951, 2013
MALDI‐imaging for classification of epithelial ovarian cancer histotypes from a tissue microarray using machine learning methods
O Klein, F Kanter, H Kulbe, P Jank, C Denkert, G Nebrich, WD Schmitt, ...
PROTEOMICS–Clinical Applications 13 (1), 1700181, 2019
Individual tree species classification from airborne multisensor imagery using robust PCA
J Lee, X Cai, J Lellmann, M Dalponte, Y Malhi, N Butt, M Morecroft, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2016
Convex optimization for multi-class image labeling with a novel family of total variation based regularizers
J Lellmann, F Becker, C Schnörr
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 646-653, 2009
A class of quasi-variational inequalities for adaptive image denoising and decomposition
F Lenzen, F Becker, J Lellmann, S Petra, C Schnörr
Computational Optimization and Applications 54, 371-398, 2013
Sublabel-accurate relaxation of nonconvex energies
T Mollenhoff, E Laude, M Moeller, J Lellmann, D Cremers
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Shape from specular reflection and optical flow
J Lellmann, J Balzer, A Rieder, J Beyerer
International Journal of Computer Vision 80, 226-241, 2008
Fast and exact primal-dual iterations for variational problems in computer vision
J Lellmann, D Breitenreicher, C Schnörr
Computer Vision–ECCV 2010: 11th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2010
A matrix-free approach to parallel and memory-efficient deformable image registration
L König, J Rühaak, A Derksen, J Lellmann
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (3), B858-B888, 2018
Sublabel-accurate convex relaxation of vectorial multilabel energies
E Laude, T Möllenhoff, M Moeller, J Lellmann, D Cremers
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Higher-order total directional variation: Imaging applications
S Parisotto, J Lellmann, S Masnou, CB Schönlieb
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 13 (4), 2063-2104, 2020
Analysis and application of a nonlocal Hessian
J Lellmann, K Papafitsoros, C Schönlieb, D Spector
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (4), 2161-2202, 2015
Discrete and continuous models for partitioning problems
J Lellmann, B Lellmann, F Widmann, C Schnörr
International journal of computer vision 104, 241-269, 2013
Adaptive second-order total variation: An approach aware of slope discontinuities
F Lenzen, F Becker, J Lellmann
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 4th International …, 2013
Optimality bounds for a variational relaxation of the image partitioning problem
J Lellmann, F Lenzen, C Schnörr
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 47, 239-257, 2013
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