Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Emmanouil TsochatzisSaiba mais
Disponíveis em algum local: 12
Biodegradation of expanded polystyrene by mealworm larvae under different feeding strategies evaluated by metabolic profiling using GC-TOF-MS
ED Tsochatzis, IE Berggreen, JV Nørgaard, G Theodoridis, TK Dalsgaard
Chemosphere 281, 130840, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
Chemical testing of mechanically recycled polyethylene terephthalate for food packaging in the European Union
ED Tsochatzis, JA Lopes, M Corredig
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 179, 106096, 2022
Autorizações: European Commission
Cellular lipids and protein alteration during biodegradation of expanded polystyrene by mealworm larvae under different feeding conditions
ED Tsochatzis, IE Berggreen, NP Vidal, L Roman, H Gika, M Corredig
Chemosphere 300, 134420, 2022
Autorizações: Villum Foundation, European Commission
Gut microbiome and degradation product formation during biodegradation of expanded polystyrene by mealworm larvae under different feeding strategies
E Tsochatzis, IE Berggreen, F Tedeschi, K Ntrallou, H Gika, M Corredig
Molecules 26 (24), 7568, 2021
Autorizações: Villum Foundation, European Commission
Untargeted screening of NIAS and cyclic oligomers migrating from virgin and recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) food trays
G Colombo, M Corredig, IU Ünalan, E Tsochatzis
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 41, 101227, 2024
Autorizações: Villum Foundation
Partitioning and in vitro bioaccessibility of apple polyphenols during mechanical and physiological extraction: A hierarchical clustering analysis with LC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS
IM Lopez-Rodulfo, ED Tsochatzis, EW Stentoft, P Martinez-Carrasco, ...
Food Chemistry 441, 138320, 2024
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
Untargeted screening and in silico toxicity assessment of semi-and non-volatile compounds migrating from polysaccharide-based food contact materials
ED Tsochatzis, NP Vidal, W Bai, D Diamantidou, G Theodoridis, ...
Food Chemistry 425, 136499, 2023
Autorizações: European Commission
Development and validation of a uhplc-qtof ms method for the determination of sorbitol-based nuclear clarifying agents in food simulants after migration from food contact materials
ED Tsochatzis, G Theodoridis, HG Gika
Applied Sciences 11 (9), 3789, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
The 12th International Conference on instrumental analysis—modern trends and applications (20–23 September 2021, virtual event)
M Mitrakas, M Ochsenkühn-Petropoulou
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11767, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
Determination of the Mass Fractions of PBT and PET Oligomers in Food Simulant D
P Dehouck, E Tsochatzis, JA Lopes, A Cizek-Stroh, P Robouch, ...
Joint Research Centre: Ispra, Italy, 1-52, 2018
Autorizações: Government of Italy
Microplastics and nanoplastics: Exposure and toxicological effects require important analysis considerations
ED Tsochatzis, H Gika, G Theodoridis, N Maragou, N Thomaidis, ...
Heliyon 10 (11), 2024
Autorizações: European Commission
Compositional Attributes of Blue Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) Seeds for Selection of High-Protein Cultivars
L Roman, E Tsochatzis, K Tarin, EM Röndahl, CO Ottosen, M Corredig
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71 (45), 17308-17320, 2023
Autorizações: European Commission
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