A new ferroelectric phosphate family B Elouadi, L Elammari, J Ravez Ferroelectrics 56 (1), 17-20, 1984 | 61 | 1984 |
The crystal structure of the lacunar apatite NaPb4 (PO4) 3 M El Koumiri, S Oishi, S Sato, L El Ammari, B Elouadi Materials Research Bulletin 35 (4), 503-513, 2000 | 56 | 2000 |
Study of phase transitions in the system A1B11PO4 with A1 = Li, Rb and B11 = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd, Pb L Elammari, B Elouadi, G Müller-Vogt Phase Transitions 13 (1-4), 29-32, 1988 | 54 | 1988 |
Crystal structures and ferroelectric properties of AIBIIPO4 (AI = monovalent cation and BII = divalent cation) B Elouadi, L Elammari Ferroelectrics 107 (1), 253-258, 1990 | 52 | 1990 |
Novel 1, 4-benzothiazine derivatives: synthesis, crystal structure, and anti-bacterial properties NK Sebbar, MEM Mekhzoum, EM Essassi, A Zerzouf, A Talbaoui, Y Bakri, ... Research on Chemical Intermediates 42, 6845-6862, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
The structure of NaZnPO4 L Elammari, J Durand, L Cot, B Elouadi Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 180 (1-4), 137-140, 1987 | 47 | 1987 |
Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface and DFT computations, along with molecular docking investigations of a new pyrazole as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor M Chalkha, AA el Hassani, A Nakkabi, B Tüzün, M Bakhouch, ... Journal of Molecular Structure 1273, 134255, 2023 | 45 | 2023 |
Synthesis, Rietveld refinements and Raman spectroscopic studies of tricationic lacunar apatites Na1− xKxPb4 (AsO4) 3 (0⩽ x⩽ 1) B Manoun, M Azdouz, M Azrour, R Essehli, S Benmokhtar, L El Ammari, ... Journal of Molecular Structure 986 (1-3), 1-9, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
Etude structurale d'orthovanadates d'alcalins et de plomb cristallisant avec la structure apatite lacunaire M Azrour, L El Ammari, Y Le Fur, B Elouadi Journal of Solid State Chemistry 141 (2), 373-377, 1998 | 41 | 1998 |
Crystallographic study, biological assessment and POM/Docking studies of pyrazoles-sulfonamide hybrids (PSH): Identification of a combined Antibacterial/Antiviral pharmacophore … M Chalkha, A Nakkabi, TB Hadda, M Berredjem, A El Moussaoui, ... Journal of Molecular Structure 1267, 133605, 2022 | 37 | 2022 |
Synthesis, Rietveld refinements and Raman spectroscopy studies of the solid solution Na1− xKxPb4 (VO4) 3 (0⩽ x⩽ 1) M Azdouz, B Manoun, M Azrour, L Bih, L El Ammari, S Benmokhtar, ... Journal of Molecular Structure 963 (2-3), 258-266, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
Elaboration and non linear properties of ortho-phosphate solid solutions AiBII 1-xMII xPO4 (AI = monovalent cation, BII & MII = divalent cations) L Elammari, M El Koumiri, I Zschokke-Gränacher, B Elouadi Ferroelectrics 158 (1), 19-24, 1994 | 33 | 1994 |
Structure of α-LiZnPO4 L Elammari, B Elouadi Crystal Structure Communications 45 (12), 1864-1867, 1989 | 30 | 1989 |
Crystallographic study, biological evaluation and DFT/POM/Docking analyses of pyrazole linked amide conjugates: Identification of antimicrobial and antitumor pharmacophore sites M Chalkha, A El Moussaoui, TB Hadda, M Berredjem, A Bouzina, ... Journal of Molecular Structure 1252, 131818, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
Structure cristalline de RbZnPO4 L Elammari, B Elouadi Journal de chimie physique 88, 1969-1974, 1991 | 28 | 1991 |
Poly [[chlorido (1, 10-phenanthroline-κ2N, N′) copper (II)]-μ3-1, 1, 3, 3-tetracyano-2-ethoxypropenido-κ3N: N′: N′′]: coordination polymer sheets linked into bilayers by … Z Setifi, F Setifi, L El Ammari, M El-Ghozzi, J Sopková-de Oliveira Santos, ... Crystal Structure Communications 70 (1), 19-22, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
catena-Poly [heptylenediammonium [[tetrachloridobismuthate (III)]-μ-chlorido]] A Ouasri, A Rhandour, M Saadi, L El Ammari Structure Reports 69 (8), m437-m437, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
Crystal structure of a sodium, zinc and iron (III)-based non-stoichiometric phosphate with an alluaudite-like structure: Na1. 67Zn1. 67Fe1. 33 (PO4) 3 J Khmiyas, A Assani, M Saadi, L El Ammari Structure Reports 71 (6), 690-692, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of a New Phosphate, Na2Co2Cr(PO4)3 M Hadouchi, A Assani, M Saadi, I Saadoune, A Lahmar, H Bouyanfif, ... Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 28, 2854-2864, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Crystal structure of disodium dicobalt (II) iron (III) tris (orthophosphate) with an alluaudite-like structure A Bouraima, A Assani, M Saadi, T Makani, L El Ammari Structure Reports 71 (5), 558-560, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |