Microbial production of skatole in the hind gut of pigs given different diets and its relation to skatole deposition in backfat MT Jensen, RP Cox, BB Jensen Animal Science 61 (2), 293-304, 1995 | 383 | 1995 |
3-Methylindole (skatole) and indole production by mixed populations of pig fecal bacteria MT Jensen, RP Cox, BB Jensen Applied and environmental microbiology 61 (8), 3180-3184, 1995 | 251 | 1995 |
Mass Spectrometric Studies of the Effect of pH on the Accumulation of Intermediates in Denitrification by Paracoccus denitrificans JK Thomsen, T Geest, RP Cox Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60 (2), 536-541, 1994 | 240 | 1994 |
Fractionation of multiple sulfur isotopes during phototrophic oxidation of sulfide and elemental sulfur by a green sulfur bacterium AL Zerkle, J Farquhar, DT Johnston, RP Cox, DE Canfield Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2), 291-306, 2009 | 168 | 2009 |
Temperature and its control of isotope fractionation by a sulfate-reducing bacterium DE Canfield, CA Olesen, RP Cox Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (3), 548-561, 2006 | 157 | 2006 |
Metal limitation of cyanobacterial N2 fixation and implications for the Precambrian nitrogen cycle AL Zerkle, CH House, RP Cox, DE Canfield Geobiology 4 (4), 285-297, 2006 | 150 | 2006 |
Spectrochromatography of photosynthetic pigments as a fingerprinting technique for microbial phototrophs NU Frigaard, KL Larsen, RP Cox FEMS microbiology ecology 20 (2), 69-77, 1996 | 142 | 1996 |
Sediment properties and bacterial community in burrows of the ghost shrimp Pestarella tyrrhena (Decapoda: Thalassinidea) S Papaspyrou, T Gregersen, RP Cox, M Thessalou-Legaki, E Kristensen Aquatic Microbial Ecology 38 (2), 181-190, 2005 | 140 | 2005 |
Microbial reaction rates and bacterial communities in sediment surrounding burrows of two nereidid polychaetes (Nereis diversicolor and N. virens) S Papaspyrou, T Gregersen, E Kristensen, B Christensen, RP Cox Marine Biology 148, 541-550, 2006 | 138 | 2006 |
Lateral and transverse organisation of cytochromes in the chloroplast thylakoid membrane RP Cox, B Andersson Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 103 (4), 1336-1342, 1981 | 128 | 1981 |
The Reduction by Dithionite of Fe (III) Myoglobin Derivatives with Different Ligands Attached to the Iron Atom: A Study by Rapid‐Wavelength‐Scanning Stopped‐Flow Spectrophotometry RP Cox, MR Hollaway European Journal of Biochemistry 74 (3), 575-587, 1977 | 103 | 1977 |
Light intensity effects on pigment composition and organisation in the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum CM Borrego, PD Gerola, M Miller, RP Cox Photosynthesis Research 59, 159-166, 1999 | 102 | 1999 |
Direct Measurements of Steady-State Kinetics of Cyanobacterial N2 Uptake by Membrane-Leak Mass Spectrometry and Comparisons Between Nitrogen Fixation … BB Jensen, RP Cox Applied and Environmental Microbiology 45 (4), 1331-1337, 1983 | 98 | 1983 |
Phylogeny of green sulfur bacteria on the basis of gene sequences of 16S rRNA and of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein B Alexander, JH Andersen, RP Cox, JF Imhoff Archives of microbiology 178, 131-140, 2002 | 91 | 2002 |
Fluorescence polarization and spin-label studies of the fluidity of stromal and granal chloroplast membranes RC Ford, DJ Chapman, J Barber, JZ Pedersen, RP Cox Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 681 (2), 145-151, 1982 | 86 | 1982 |
Continuous measurement of dissolved gases in biochemical systems with the quadrupole mass spectrometer H Degn, RP Cox, D Lloyd Methods of biochemical analysis, 165-194, 1985 | 83 | 1985 |
Phosphorus cycling in Lake Cadagno, Switzerland: A low sulfate euxinic ocean analogue Y Xiong, R Guilbaud, CL Peacock, RP Cox, DE Canfield, MD Krom, ... Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 251, 116-135, 2019 | 76 | 2019 |
The functions of plastoquinone and β-carotene in photosystem II of chloroplasts RP Cox, DS Bendall Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 347 (1), 49-59, 1974 | 76 | 1974 |
Analysis of teleost hemoglobin by Adair and Monod-Wyman-Changeux models: Effects of nucleoside triphosphates and pH on oxygenation of tench hemoglobin RE Weber, FB Jensen, RP Cox Journal of Comparative Physiology B 157, 145-152, 1987 | 74 | 1987 |
The effects on cytochrome b-559HP and P546 of treatments that inhibit oxygen evolution by chloroplasts RP Cox, DS Bendall Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 283 (1), 124-135, 1972 | 74 | 1972 |