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Yakov Kuzyakov / Яков КузяковSoil Science of Temperate Ecosystems, Agricultural Soil Science, University of GöttingenEmail confirmado em gwdg.de
Evgenia BlagodatskayaHelmholtz Center for Environmental Research, HalleEmail confirmado em ufz.de
Tida GeProfessor of The Institute of Subtropical Agriculture (ISA), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)Email confirmado em isa.ac.cn
Michaela A. DippoldGeo-Biosphere Interactions, Dept. of Geoscience & Dept. of Biology, University of TuebingenEmail confirmado em uni-tuebingen.de
Huadong Zang (臧华栋)College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural UniversityEmail confirmado em cau.edu.cn
Mohsen Zarebanadkouki (Mohsen Zare)Professorship of Soil Biophysics and Environmental Systems, Technical University of MunichEmail confirmado em tum.de
Davey JonesBangor UniversityEmail confirmado em bangor.ac.uk
Johanna PauschAgroecology, University of BayreuthEmail confirmado em uni-bayreuth.de
John KoestelEmail confirmado em slu.se
Prof. Dr. Muhammad SanaullahInstitute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, PakistanEmail confirmado em uaf.edu.pk
Menuka MaharjanInstitute of Forestry, Tribhuwan UniversityEmail confirmado em iof.tu.edu.np
Stephan PethProfessor für Bodenbiophysik, Institut für Bodenkunde, Leibniz Universität HannoverEmail confirmado em ifbk.uni-hannover.de
Yingyao Hu 胡颖尧Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins UniversityEmail confirmado em jhu.edu
Bahar S. Razavi
Dept. Soil and Plan microbiome, University of Kiel
Email confirmado em phytomed.uni-kiel.de