Jeff Candy
Jeff Candy
Director, Theory and Computational Sciences, General Atomics
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An eulerian gyrokinetic-maxwell solver
J Candy, RE Waltz
Journal of Computational Physics 186 (2), 545-581, 2003
Kinetic calculation of neoclassical transport including self-consistent electron and impurity dynamics
EA Belli, J Candy
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 (9), 095010, 2008
Integrated modeling applications for tokamak experiments with OMFIT
O Meneghini, SP Smith, LL Lao, O Izacard, Q Ren, JM Park, J Candy, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (8), 083008, 2015
Anomalous transport scaling in the DIII-D tokamak matched by supercomputer simulation
J Candy, RE Waltz
Physical review letters 91 (4), 045001, 2003
A symplectic integration algorithm for separable Hamiltonian functions
J Candy, W Rozmus
Journal of Computational Physics 92 (1), 230-256, 1991
The HAGIS self-consistent nonlinear wave-particle interaction model
SD Pinches, LC Appel, J Candy, SE Sharapov, HL Berk, D Borba, ...
Computer Physics Communications 111 (1-3), 133-149, 1998
Tokamak profile prediction using direct gyrokinetic and neoclassical simulation
J Candy, C Holland, RE Waltz, MR Fahey, E Belli
Physics of Plasmas 16 (6), 2009
A high-accuracy Eulerian gyrokinetic solver for collisional plasmas
J Candy, EA Belli, RV Bravenec
Journal of Computational Physics 324, 73-93, 2016
Full linearized Fokker–Planck collisions in neoclassical transport simulations
EA Belli, J Candy
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 54 (1), 015015, 2011
Spontaneous hole–clump pair creation
HL Berk, BN Breizman, J Candy, M Pekker, NV Petviashvili
Physics of Plasmas 6 (8), 3102-3113, 1999
Electromagnetic transport from microtearing mode turbulence
W Guttenfelder, J Candy, SM Kaye, WM Nevins, E Wang, RE Bell, ...
Physical review letters 106 (15), 155004, 2011
ITER predictions using the GYRO verified and experimentally validated trapped gyro-Landau fluid transport model
JE Kinsey, GM Staebler, J Candy, RE Waltz, RV Budny
Nuclear Fusion 51 (8), 083001, 2011
Multi-scale gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak plasmas: enhanced heat loss due to cross-scale coupling of plasma turbulence
NT Howard, C Holland, AE White, M Greenwald, J Candy
Nuclear Fusion 56 (1), 014004, 2015
Implementation and application of two synthetic diagnostics for validating simulations of core tokamak turbulence
C Holland, AE White, GR McKee, MW Shafer, J Candy, RE Waltz, ...
Physics of Plasmas 16 (5), 2009
Symplectic integrators for long-term integrations in celestial mechanics
B Gladman, M Duncan, J Candy
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 52, 221-240, 1991
Beta scaling of transport in microturbulence simulations
J Candy
Physics of Plasmas 12 (7), 2005
New edge coherent mode providing continuous transport in long-pulse H-mode plasmas
HQ Wang, GS Xu, BN Wan, SY Ding, HY Guo, LM Shao, SC Liu, XQ Xu, ...
Physical review letters 112 (18), 185004, 2014
Self-consistent core-pedestal transport simulations with neural network accelerated models
O Meneghini, SP Smith, PB Snyder, GM Staebler, J Candy, E Belli, L Lao, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (8), 086034, 2017
Measurements of core electron temperature and density fluctuations in DIII-D and comparison to nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations
AE White, L Schmitz, GR McKee, C Holland, WA Peebles, TA Carter, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 2008
Gyrokinetic simulations of ion and impurity transport
C Estrada-Mila, J Candy, RE Waltz
Physics of Plasmas 12 (2), 2005
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