Teodoro Estrela
Teodoro Estrela
Profesor Asociado, Universitat Politècnica de València
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A review of water scarcity and drought indexes in water resources planning and management
M Pedro-Monzonís, A Solera, J Ferrer, T Estrela, J Paredes-Arquiola
Journal of Hydrology 527, 482-493, 2015
Impacts of climate change on water resources in Spain
T Estrela, MA Pérez-Martin, E Vargas
Hydrological Sciences Journal 57 (6), 1154-1167, 2012
Drought management plans in the European Union. The case of Spain
T Estrela, E Vargas
Water resources management 26 (6), 1537-1553, 2012
Groundwater intensive use and mining in south-eastern peninsular Spain: Hydrogeological, economic and social aspects
E Custodio, JM Andreu-Rodes, R Aragón, T Estrela, J Ferrer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 559, 302-316, 2016
Constructing a saturated hydraulic conductivity map of Spain using pedotransfer functions and spatial prediction
MF Julià, TE Monreal, AS del Corral Jiménez, EG Meléndez
Geoderma 123 (3-4), 257-277, 2004
El sistema integrado de modelización precipitación-aportación SIMPA
T Estrela, L Quintas
Revista de Ingeniería Civil 104, 43-52, 1996
Generación automática del número de curva con sistemas de información geográfica
M Ferrér, J Rodríguez, T Estrela
Ingeniería del agua 2 (4), 43-58, 1995
La evaluación de los recursos hídricos en el Libro Blanco del Agua en España
T Estrela Monreal, F Cabezas Calvo-Rubio, F Estrada Lorenzo
Ingeniería del agua 6 (2), 125-138, 1999
GIS-based models for water quantity and quality assessment in the Júcar River Basin, Spain, including climate change effects
J Ferrer, MA Pérez-Martín, S Jiménez, T Estrela, J Andreu
Science of the Total Environment 440, 42-59, 2012
Hydrological forecasts and projections for improved decision-making in the water sector in Europe
L Samaniego, S Thober, N Wanders, M Pan, O Rakovec, J Sheffield, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), 2451-2472, 2019
Sustainable water use in Europe
T Estrela, M Menéndez, M Dimas, J Leonard, IOWNB Ovesen, NJ Fehér, ...
European Environment Agency, 2001
Impactos sobre los recursos hídricos
A Iglesias, T Estrela, F Gallart
Evaluación preliminar de los impactos en España por efecto del cambio …, 2005
TREHS: An open-access software tool for investigating and evaluating temporary river regimes as a first step for their ecological status assessment
F Gallart, N Cid, J Latron, P Llorens, N Bonada, J Jeuffroy, ...
Science of the Total Environment 607, 519-540, 2017
Modeling water resources and river-aquifer interaction in the Júcar River Basin, Spain
MA Pérez-Martín, T Estrela, J Andreu, J Ferrer
Water Resources Management 28, 4337-4358, 2014
Use of a GIS in the modelling of flows on floodplains
T Estrela, L Quintas
2nd International Conference on River Flood Hydraulics 177, 190, 1994
Water accounting for stressed river basins based on water resources management models
M Pedro-Monzonís, A Solera, J Ferrer, J Andreu, T Estrela
Science of the Total Environment 565, 181-190, 2016
Sustainable water use in Europe. Part 2: Demand management.
C Lallana, W Krinner, T Estrela, S Nixon, J Leonard, JM Berland
Modelos matemáticos para la evaluación de recursos hídricos
T Estrela
CEDEX, 1992
A distributed hydrological model for water resources assessment in large basins
T Estrela, L Quintas
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Rivertech 96, 861-868, 1996
Investigation of pesticides and their transformation products in the Júcar River Hydrographical Basin (Spain) by wide-scope high-resolution mass spectrometry screening
E Fonseca, A Renau-Pruñonosa, M Ibáñez, E Gracia-Lor, T Estrela, ...
Environmental Research 177, 108570, 2019
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