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309 2012 Fieldlike and antidamping spin-orbit torques in as-grown and annealed Ta/CoFeB/MgO layers CO Avci, K Garello, C Nistor, S Godey, B Ballesteros, A Mugarza, A Barla, ...
Physical Review B 89 (21), 214419, 2014
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197 2011 Mixed-valence behavior and strong correlation effects of metal phthalocyanines adsorbed on metals S Stepanow, PS Miedema, A Mugarza, G Ceballos, P Moras, JC Cezar, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (22), 220401, 2011
171 2011 Orbital Specific Chirality and Homochiral Self-Assembly of Achiral Molecules Induced<? format?> by Charge Transfer and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking A Mugarza, N Lorente, P Ordejón, C Krull, S Stepanow, ML Bocquet, ...
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150 2019 Electron confinement in surface states on a stepped gold surface revealed by angle-resolved photoemission A Mugarza, A Mascaraque, V Pérez-Dieste, V Repain, S Rousset, ...
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