Werner Porod
Werner Porod
Professor der Physik, uni würzburg
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SPheno, a program for calculating supersymmetric spectra, SUSY particle decays and SUSY particle production at e+ e− colliders
W Porod
Computer Physics Communications 153 (2), 275-315, 2003
The Snowmass points and slopes: Benchmarks for SUSY searches
BC Allanach, M Battaglia, GA Blair, M Carena, A De Roeck, A Dedes, ...
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 25, 113-123, 2002
SPheno 3.1: Extensions including flavour, CP-phases and models beyond the MSSM
W Porod, F Staub
Computer Physics Communications 183 (11), 2458-2469, 2012
SUSY Les Houches accord: Interfacing SUSY spectrum calculators, decay packages, and event generators
P Skands, BC Allanach, H Baer, C Balázs, G Bélanger, F Boudjema, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (07), 036, 2004
SUSY les houches accord 2
BC Allanach, C Balázs, G Bélanger, M Bernhardt, F Boudjema, ...
Computer Physics Communications 180 (1), 8-25, 2009
Neutrino masses and mixings from supersymmetry with bilinear R-parity violation: A theory for solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations
M Hirsch, MA Díaz, W Porod, JC Romao, JWF Valle
Physical Review D 62 (11), 113008, 2000
Polarized positrons and electrons at the linear collider
G Moortgat-Pick, T Abe, G Alexander, B Ananthanarayan, AA Babich, ...
Physics Reports 460 (4-5), 131-243, 2008
Precise determination of the neutral Higgs boson masses in theMSSM
BC Allanach, A Djouadi, JL Kneur, W Porod, P Slavich
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (09), 044, 2004
Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC
G Weiglein, T Barklow, E Boos, A De Roeck, K Desch, F Gianotti, ...
Physics Reports 426 (2-6), 47-358, 2006
Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project
JA Aguilar-Saavedra, A Ali, BC Allanach, R Arnowitt, HA Baer, JA Bagger, ...
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 46, 43-60, 2006
Les Houches 2011: physics at TeV colliders new physics working group report
G Brooijmans, B Gripaios, F Moortgat, J Santiago, P Skands, DA Vásquez, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.1488, 2012
Testing neutrino mixing at future collider experiments
W Porod, M Hirsch, J Romao, JWF Valle
Physical Review D 63 (11), 115004, 2001
Untagged B→ Xs+ dγ CP asymmetry as a probe for new physics
T Hurth, E Lunghi, W Porod
Nuclear Physics B 704 (1-2), 56-74, 2005
Electron and neutron electric dipole moments in the constrained MSSM
A Bartl, T Gajdosik, W Porod, P Stockinger, H Stremnitzer
Physical Review D 60 (7), 073003, 1999
Supersymmetric solution to the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems
JC Romao, MA Díaz, M Hirsch, W Porod, JWF Valle
Physical Review D 61 (7), 071703, 2000
A Flavor Kit for BSM models
W Porod, F Staub, A Vicente
The European Physical Journal C 74, 1-47, 2014
Squark and gluino decays for large tan β
A Bartl, W Majerotto, W Porod
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 64 (3), 499-507, 1994
Solar neutrino masses and mixing from bilinear R-parity broken supersymmetry: Analytical versus numerical results
MA Díaz, M Hirsch, W Porod, JC Romao, JWF Valle
Physical Review D 68 (1), 013009, 2003
Theoretical uncertainties in sparticle mass predictions from computational tools
BC Allanach, S Kraml, W Porod
Journal of High Energy Physics 2003 (03), 016, 2003
Constrained Supersymmetry after two years of LHC data: a global view with Fittino
P Bechtle, T Bringmann, K Desch, H Dreiner, M Hamer, C Hensel, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (6), 1-54, 2012
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