Molecular spins for quantum information technologies F Troiani, M Affronte
Chemical Society Reviews 40 (6), 3119-3129, 2011
579 2011 Engineering the coupling between molecular spin qubits by coordination chemistry GA Timco, S Carretta, F Troiani, F Tuna, RJ Pritchard, CA Muryn, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 4 (3), 173-178, 2009
465 2009 Molecular engineering of antiferromagnetic rings for quantum computation F Troiani, A Ghirri, M Affronte, S Carretta, P Santini, G Amoretti, S Piligkos, ...
Physical review letters 94 (20), 207208, 2005
393 2005 Spin-electric coupling in molecular magnets M Trif, F Troiani, D Stepanenko, D Loss
Physical review letters 101 (21), 217201, 2008
251 2008 Exploiting exciton-exciton interactions in semiconductor quantum dots for quantum-information processing F Troiani, U Hohenester, E Molinari
Physical Review B 62 (4), R2263, 2000
242 2000 Tracking the coherent generation of polaron pairs in conjugated polymers A De Sio, F Troiani, M Maiuri, J Réhault, E Sommer, J Lim, SF Huelga, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13742, 2016
198 2016 Proposal for Quantum Gates in Permanently Coupled Antiferromagnetic Spin Rings<? format?> without Need of Local Fields F Troiani, M Affronte, S Carretta, P Santini, G Amoretti
Physical review letters 94 (19), 190501, 2005
147 2005 Entanglement in Supramolecular Spin Systems of Two Weakly Coupled <?format ?>Antiferromagnetic Rings (Purple- ) A Candini, G Lorusso, F Troiani, A Ghirri, S Carretta, P Santini, G Amoretti, ...
Physical review letters 104 (3), 037203, 2010
138 2010 Single molecule magnets for quantum computation M Affronte, F Troiani, A Ghirri, A Candini, M Evangelisti, V Corradini, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (10), 2999, 2007
133 2007 High-finesse optical quantum gates for electron spins in artificial molecules F Troiani, E Molinari, U Hohenester
Physical review letters 90 (20), 206802, 2003
126 2003 Spin electric effects in molecular antiferromagnets M Trif, F Troiani, D Stepanenko, D Loss
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (4), 045429, 2010
114 2010 Coherent population transfer in coupled semiconductor quantum dots U Hohenester, G Panzarini, F Troiani, E Molinari, C Macchiavello
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0008058, 2000
103 2000 Molecular nanomagnets as quantum simulators P Santini, S Carretta, F Troiani, G Amoretti
Physical review letters 107 (23), 230502, 2011
100 2011 Spectral diffusion and line broadening in single self-assembled GaAs∕ AlGaAs quantum dot photoluminescence M Abbarchi, F Troiani, C Mastrandrea, G Goldoni, T Kuroda, T Mano, ...
Applied physics letters 93 (16), 2008
99 2008 Spin triangles as optimal units for molecule-based quantum gates S Carretta, P Santini, G Amoretti, F Troiani, M Affronte
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (2), 024408, 2007
91 2007 Cavity-assisted generation of entangled photon pairs by a quantum-dot cascade decay F Troiani, JI Perea, C Tejedor
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (23), 235310, 2006
87 2006 Quantum phases in artificial molecules M Rontani, F Troiani, U Hohenester, E Molinari
Solid state communications 119 (4-5), 309-321, 2001
64 2001 Hyperfine-induced decoherence in triangular spin-cluster qubits F Troiani, D Stepanenko, D Loss
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (16), 161409, 2012
62 2012 Molecular routes for spin cluster qubits M Affronte, F Troiani, A Ghirri, S Carretta, P Santini, V Corradini, ...
Dalton Transactions, 2810-2817, 2006
53 2006 Coherently coupling distinct spin ensembles through a high- superconducting resonator A Ghirri, C Bonizzoni, F Troiani, N Buccheri, L Beverina, A Cassinese, ...
Physical Review A 93 (6), 063855, 2016
52 2016