David Waldman
David Waldman
Professor of Management
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Assessing the impact of organizational practices on the relative productivity of university technology transfer offices: an exploratory study
DS Siegel, D Waldman, A Link
Research policy 32 (1), 27-48, 2003
Does leadership matter? CEO leadership attributes and profitability under conditions of perceived environmental uncertainty
DA Waldman, GG Ramirez, RJ House, P Puranam
Academy of management journal 44 (1), 134-143, 2001
Leading in the 1990s: The Four I′ s of TransformationalLeadership
BJ Avolio, DA Waldman, FJ Yammarino
Journal of European industrial training 15 (4), 1991
Toward a model of the effective transfer of scientific knowledge from academicians to practitioners: qualitative evidence from the commercialization of university technologies
DS Siegel, DA Waldman, LE Atwater, AN Link
Journal of engineering and technology management 21 (1-2), 115-142, 2004
Commercial knowledge transfers from universities to firms: improving the effectiveness of university–industry collaboration
DS Siegel, DA Waldman, LE Atwater, AN Link
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 14 (1), 111-133, 2003
Transformational leadership and the falling dominoes effect
BM Bass, DA Waldman, BJ Avolio, M Bebb
Group & Organization Studies 12 (1), 73-87, 1987
A meta-analysis of shared leadership and team effectiveness.
D Wang, DA Waldman, Z Zhang
Journal of applied psychology 99 (2), 181, 2014
Components of CEO transformational leadership and corporate social responsibility
DA Waldman, DS Siegel, M Javidan
Journal of management studies 43 (8), 1703-1725, 2006
Strategic corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability
M Orlitzky, DS Siegel, DA Waldman
Business & society 50 (1), 6-27, 2011
Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries
DA Waldman, M Sully de Luque, N Washburn, RJ House, B Adetoun, ...
Journal of international business studies 37, 823-837, 2006
CEO charismatic leadership: Levels-of-management and levels-of-analysis effects
DA Waldman, FJ Yammarino
Academy of management review 24 (2), 266-285, 1999
A meta-analysis of age differences in job performance.
DA Waldman, BJ Avolio
Journal of applied psychology 71 (1), 33, 1986
The role of perceived organizational performance in organizational identification, adjustment and job performance
A Carmeli, G Gilat, DA Waldman
Journal of management studies 44 (6), 972-992, 2007
The contributions of total quality management to a theory of work performance
DA Waldman
Academy of Management review 19 (3), 510-536, 1994
Paradoxical leader behaviors in people management: Antecedents and consequences
Y Zhang, DA Waldman, YL Han, XB Li
Academy of management journal 58 (2), 538-566, 2015
Adding to contingent-reward behavior: The augmenting effect of charismatic leadership
DA Waldman, BM Bass, FJ Yammarino
Group & Organization Studies 15 (4), 381-394, 1990
Transformational leadership in a management game simulation: Impacting the bottom line
BJ Avolio, DA Waldman, WO Einstein
Group & Organization Studies 13 (1), 59-80, 1988
Humble chief executive officers’ connections to top management team integration and middle managers’ responses
AY Ou, AS Tsui, AJ Kinicki, DA Waldman, Z Xiao, LJ Song
Administrative science quarterly 59 (1), 34-72, 2014
Defining the socially responsible leader
DA Waldman, D Siegel
The leadership quarterly 19 (1), 117-131, 2008
Charismatic leadership at the strategic level: A new application of upper echelons theory
DA Waldman, M Javidan, P Varella
The leadership quarterly 15 (3), 355-380, 2004
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