Jingtao Shi
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Leader–follower stochastic differential game with asymmetric information and applications
J Shi, G Wang, J Xiong
Automatica 63, 60-73, 2016
The maximum i principle for fully coupled forward-backward stochastic control system
J Shi, Z Wu
Acta Automatica Sinica 32 (2), 161, 2006
Maximum principle for forward-backward stochastic control system with random jumps and applications to finance
J Shi, Z Wu
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 23 (2), 219-231, 2010
A leader-follower stochastic linear quadratic differential game with time delay
J Xu, J Shi, H Zhang
Science China Information Sciences 61 (11), 112202, 2018
Maximum principle for partially-observed optimal control of fully-coupled forward-backward stochastic systems
JT Shi, Z Wu
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 145 (3), 543-578, 2010
Forward–backward linear quadratic stochastic optimal control problem with delay
J Huang, X Li, J Shi
Systems & Control Letters 61 (5), 623-630, 2012
Linear-quadratic stochastic Stackelberg differential game with asymmetric information
J Shi, G Wang, J Xiong
Science China Information Sciences 60, 1-15, 2017
Maximum principle for optimal control of fully coupledforward-backward stochastic differential delayed equations∗
J Huang, J Shi
ESAIM: Control, optimisation and calculus of variations 18 (4), 1073-1096, 2012
A Risk-sensitive Stochastic Maximum Principle for Optimal Control of Jump Diffusions and its Applications
J Shi, Z Wu
数学物理学报英文版 Acta Mathematica Scientia, English Series 31 (2), 419-433, 2011
Relationship between MP and DPP for the stochastic optimal control problem of jump diffusions
JT Shi, Z Wu
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 63, 151-189, 2011
Mean-field linear-quadratic stochastic differential games in an infinite horizon
X Li, J Shi, J Yong
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 27, 81, 2021
Necessary conditions for optimal control of forward‐backward stochastic systems with random jumps
J Shi
International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2012 (1), 258674, 2012
A Non-Zero Sum Differential Game of BSDE with Time-Delayed Generator and Applications
J Shi, G Wang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (7), 2016
Maximum principle for risk-sensitive stochastic optimal control problem and applications to finance
J Shi, Z Wu
Stochastic Analysis and Applications 30 (6), 997-1018, 2012
An effective gradient projection method for stochastic optimal control
N Du, J Shi, W Liu
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 10 (4), 757-774, 2013
A Stackelberg game of backward stochastic differential equations with applications
Y Zheng, J Shi
Dynamic Games and Applications 10 (4), 968-992, 2020
A global maximum principle for stochastic optimal control problems with delay and applications
W Meng, J Shi
Systems & Control Letters 150, 104909, 2021
Sufficient conditions of optimality for mean-field stochastic control problems
J Shi
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Control Automation …, 2012
Connection between MP and DPP for stochastic recursive optimal control problems: viscosity solution framework in the general case
T Nie, J Shi, Z Wu
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (5), 3258-3294, 2017
Relationship between maximum principle and dynamic programming for stochastic recursive optimal control problems and applications
J Shi, Z Yu
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 285241, 2013
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