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Volodymyr KruglyakUniversity of ExeterEmail confirmado em exeter.ac.uk
Jeff ChildressCrocus TechnologyEmail confirmado em crocus-technology.com
Mykola DvornikNanOsc ABEmail confirmado em nanosc.se
Shemaiah M WeekesUniversity of LeedsEmail confirmado em leeds.ac.uk
Christopher MarrowsProfessor of Condensed Matter Physics, University of LeedsEmail confirmado em leeds.ac.uk
Bartel Van WaeyenbergeUGentEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Arne VansteenkisteGhent UniversityEmail confirmado em UGent.be
Marc-Olivier DelchiniOak Ridge National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em ornl.gov
Julie GrollierCNRS/Thales LabEmail confirmado em cnrs-thales.fr
Alastair P HibbinsUniversity of ExeterEmail confirmado em exeter.ac.uk
Gang XiaoFord Foundation Professor of Physics and Professor of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RIEmail confirmado em brown.edu
C. J. KinaneISIS, Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryEmail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Sean LangridgeISIS, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, STFCEmail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Timothy R. CharltonOak Ridge National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em ornl.gov
Jeffrey McCordCAU Kiel - KiNSIS - Institute for Materials ScienceEmail confirmado em tf.uni-kiel.de
Dr. Paul S. Keatley
Research Fellow, Electromagnetic and Acoustic Materials, University of Exeter UK
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