Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Dr. Muhammad NaveedSaiba mais
Não disponíveis em nenhum local: 4
Soil aggregation and soil aggregate stability regulate organic carbon and nitrogen storage in a red soil of southern China
A Mustafa, X Minggang, SAA Shah, MM Abrar, S Nan, W Baoren, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 270, 110894, 2020
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Stability of soil organic carbon under long-term fertilization: Results from 13C NMR analysis and laboratory incubation
A Mustafa, J Frouz, M Naveed, Z Ping, S Nan, X Minggang, ...
Environmental Research 205, 112476, 2022
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Physically separated soil organic matter pools as indicators of carbon and nitrogen change under long-term fertilization in a Chinese Mollisol
A Mustafa, Q Saeed, MTK Nezhad, S Nan, G Hongjun, Z Ping, M Naveed, ...
Environmental Research 216, 114626, 2023
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
In-situ removal of aquaculture waste nutrient using floating permeable nutrient uptake system (FPNUS) under mixotrophic microalgal scheme
M Mubashar, J Zhang, Q Liu, L Chen, J Li, M Naveed, X Zhang
Bioresource Technology 363, 128022, 2022
Autorizações: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Disponíveis em algum local: 14
Increased drought stress resilience of maize through endophytic colonization by Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN and Enterobacter sp. FD17
M Naveed, B Mitter, TG Reichenauer, K Wieczorek, A Sessitsch
Environmental and Experimental Botany 97, 30-39, 2014
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
A new approach to modify plant microbiomes and traits by introducing beneficial bacteria at flowering into progeny seeds
B Mitter, N Pfaffenbichler, R Flavell, S Compant, L Antonielli, A Petric, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 11, 2017
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Interactive effect of biochar and plant growth-promoting bacterial endophytes on ameliorating salinity stress in maize
SS Akhtar, MN Andersen, M Naveed, ZA Zahir, F Liu
Functional Plant Biology 42 (8), 770-781, 2015
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
Advances in elucidating beneficial interactions between plants, soil, and bacteria
B Mitter, G Brader, M Afzal, S Compant, M Naveed, F Trognitz, A Sessitsch
Advances in agronomy 121, 381-445, 2013
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Biochar and Bacillus sp. MN54 Assisted Phytoremediation of Diesel and Plant Growth Promotion of Maize in Hydrocarbons Contaminated Soil
MH Ali, MI Khan, S Bashir, M Azam, M Naveed, R Qadri, S Bashir, ...
Agronomy 11 (9), 1795, 2021
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The genomes of closely related Pantoea ananatis maize seed endophytes having different effects on the host plant differ in secretion system genes and mobile …
R Sheibani-Tezerji, M Naveed, MA Jehl, A Sessitsch, T Rattei, B Mitter
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 440, 2015
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Calcium-Enriched Animal Manure Alleviates the Adverse Effects of Salt Stress on Growth, Physiology and Nutrients Homeostasis of Zea mays L.
B Niamat, M Naveed, Z Ahmad, M Yaseen, A Ditta, A Mustafa, M Rafique, ...
Plants 8 (11), 480, 2019
Autorizações: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Long-term fertilization alters chemical composition and stability of aggregate-associated organic carbon in a Chinese red soil: evidence from aggregate fractionation, C …
A Mustafa, X Hu, SAA Shah, MM Abrar, AA Maitlo, KA Kubar, Q Saeed, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 21, 2483-2496, 2021
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Isolation and Characterization of Oil-Degrading Enterobacter sp. from Naturally Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils and Their Potential Use against the …
M Ejaz, B Zhao, X Wang, S Bashir, FU Haider, Z Aslam, MI Khan, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (8), 3504, 2021
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Burkholderia Phytofirmans PsJN Stimulate Growth and Yield of Quinoa under Salinity Stress
A Yang, SS Akhtar, Q Fu, M Naveed, S Iqbal, T Roitsch, SE Jacobsen
Plants 9 (6), 672, 2020
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Influence of biochar and microorganism co-application on stabilization of cadmium (Cd) and improved maize growth in Cd-contaminated soil
FU Haider, M Farooq, M Naveed, SA Cheema, N Ain, MA Salim, C Liqun, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 983830, 2022
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Efficacy of Rhizobia for Improving Photosynthesis, Productivity, and Mineral Nutrition of Maize
MB Hussain, ZA Zahir, HN Asghar, R Mubaraka, M Naveed
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 44 (11), 1564-1571, 2016
Autorizações: Grand Challenges, Canada
Spatial pattern of Cotton Yield variability and its response to Climate Change in Cotton Belt of Pakistan
N Muhammad, H He, S Zong, H Du, Z Satti, X Tan, MY Qazi
Chinese Geographical Science 33 (2), 351-362, 2023
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Influence of biochar and microorganisms co-application on the remediation and maize productivity in cadmium-contaminated soil.
FU Haider, M Farooq, M Naveed, SA Cheema, N ul Ain, MA Salim, ...
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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