Puspita Kencana Sari
Puspita Kencana Sari
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Measuring e-Commerce service quality from online customer review using sentiment analysis
PK Sari, A Alamsyah, S Wibowo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 971 (1), 012053, 2018
Analisis pengaruh kualitas website tokopedia terhadap kepuasan pengguna menggunakan metode webqual 4.0
AK Nugroho, PK Sari
eProceedings of Management 3 (3), 2016
Information security awareness measurement with confirmatory factor analysis
PK Sari, Candiwan, N Trianasari
Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET), 2014 International …, 2014
Pengaruh E-Servicescape terhadap Trust dan Dampaknya pada Repurchase Intention
Z Oebit, PK Sari
Jurnal Sistem Informasi 14 (2), 43-52, 2018
Measuring information security awareness of Indonesian smartphone users
PK Sari, C Candiwan
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 12 (2), 493-500, 2014
Information Security Behavior in Health Information Systems: A Review of Research Trends and Antecedent Factors
PK Sari, PW Handayani, AN Hidayanto, S Yazid, RF Aji
Healthcare 10 (12), 2531, 2022
Information security cultural differences among health care facilities in Indonesia
PK Sari, A Prasetio, PW Handayani, AN Hidayanto, S Syauqina, EF Astuti, ...
Heliyon 7 (6), 2021
Personality Measurement Design for Ontology Based Platform using Social Media Text
A Alamsyah, S Widiyanesti, RD Putra, PK Sari
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems 5 (3), 2020
Analisa Konten Media Sosial E-commerce Pada Instagram Menggunakan Metode Sentiment Analysis Dan Lda-based Topic Modeling (studi Kasus: Shopee Indonesia)
IN Kabiru, PK Sari
eProceedings of Management 6 (1), 2019
Knowledge sharing and electronic word of mouth to promote information security awareness in social network site
PK Sari, A Prasetio
2017 International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS …, 2017
Social capital and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) effect toward online purchase intention
A Prasetio, R Hurriyati, PK Sari, FP Sary
Advanced Science Letters 23 (11), 10822-10825, 2017
Analisis kualitas website Lazada Indonesia berdasarkan metode webqual 4.0 dan pengaruhnya terhadap kepuasan pengguna
AP Astuti, PK Sari
eProceedings of Management 3 (2), 2016
Customer awareness towards digital certificate on e-commerce: Does it affect purchase decision?
PK Sari, A Prasetio
2018 Third International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-4, 2018
Analysis characteristics of car sales in E-commerce data using clustering model
PK Sari, A Purwadinata
Journal of Data Science and Its Applications 2 (1), 19-28, 2019
Assessment of information security management on Indonesian higher education institutions
Candiwan, PK Sari, N Nurshabrina
Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology: Proceedings of …, 2016
Bisnis Informasi
H Irawan, PK Sari
An evaluation of authentication methods for smartphone based on users’ preferences
PK Sari, GS Ratnasari, A Prasetio
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 128 (1), 012036, 2016
Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) Adoption Model for Information Security Awareness: A Case Study in University Students
A Prasetio, PK Sari, DP Ramadhani
Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and …, 2018
Factor analysis on information security management in higher education institutions
PK Sari, N Nurshabrina
2016 4th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management, 1-5, 2016
Analisis Kualitas Website Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Menggunakan Pendekatan Webqual dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Menurut Persepsi Online Seller
H Juhanda, PK Sari
eProceedings of Management 1 (3), 2014
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