Ragab A. El-Seheimy
Ragab A. El-Seheimy
Professor, Kafrelshiekh University, Egypt
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Optimal power flow solution in power systems using a novel Sine-Cosine algorithm
AF Attia, RA El Sehiemy, HM Hasanien
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 99, 331-343, 2018
Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generation and capacitor banks in distribution systems using water cycle algorithm
AAA El-Ela, RA El-Sehiemy, AS Abbas
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (4), 3629 - 3636, 2018
Optimal power flow using an Improved Colliding Bodies Optimization algorithm
HREH Bouchekara, AE Chaib, MA Abido, RA El-Sehiemy
Applied Soft Computing 42, 119-131, 2016
Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems for power loss reduction and voltage profile improvement
AA Abou El‐Ela, RA El‐Sehiemy, AM Kinawy, MT Mouwafi
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (5), 1209-1221, 2016
Equilibrium optimization algorithm for network reconfiguration and distributed generation allocation in power systems
AM Shaheena, AM Elsayed, RA El-Sehiemy, AY Abdelaziz
Applied soft computing 98, 106867, 2021
Solving multi‐objective optimal power flow problem via forced initialised differential evolution algorithm
AM Shaheen, RA El‐Sehiemy, SM Farrag
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (7), 1634-1647, 2016
A hybrid local search-genetic algorithm for simultaneous placement of DG units and shunt capacitors in radial distribution systems
EA Almabsout, RA El-Sehiemy, ONU An, O Bayat
IEEE Access 8, 54465-54481, 2020
A novel parallel hurricane optimization algorithm for secure emission/economic load dispatch solution
RM Rizk-Allah, RA El-Sehiemy, GG Wang
Applied Soft Computing 63, 206-222, 2018
A novel multi-objective hybrid particle swarm and salp optimization algorithm for technical-economical-environmental operation in power systems
R El-Sehiemy, B Bentouati, FA Selim, M Abido
Energy 193, 116817, 2020
Adaptive differential evolution algorithm for efficient reactive power management
WS Sakr, RA El-Sehiemy, AM Azmy
Applied Soft Computing 53, 336-351, 2017
An enhanced moth-flame optimizer for solving non-smooth economic dispatch problems with emissions
AA Elsakaan, RA El-Sehiemy, SS Kaddah, MI Elsaid
Energy 157, 1063-1078, 2018
Photovoltaic model parameters identification using Northern Goshawk Optimization algorithm
MA El-Dabah, RA El-Sehiemy, HM Hasanien, B Saad
Energy 262 (Part B), 125522, 2023
On the performance improvement of elephant herding optimization algorithm
MA Elhosseini, RA El Sehiemy, YI Rashwan, XZ Gao
Knowledge-Based Systems 166, 58-70, 2019
Gorilla Troops Optimizer for Electrically Based Single and Double-Diode Models of Solar Photovoltaic Systems
A Ginidi, SM Ghoneim, A Elsayed, R El-Sehiemy, A Shaheen, ...
Sustainability 13, 9459, 2021
Optimal Harmonic Mitigation in Distribution Systems with Inverter Based Distributed Generation
A Samir, RA El-Sehiemy, AA El-Ela, E Salah, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, ...
Applied sciences 11 (2), 774, 2021
Optimal reactive power dispatch using ant colony optimization algorithm
AA Abou El-Ela, AM Kinawy, RA El-Sehiemy, MT Mouwafi
Electrical Engineering 93, 103-116, 2011
Optimal Co-ordinated Allocation of Distributed Generation Units/ Capacitor Banks/ Voltage Regulators by EGWA
AM Shaheen, RA El-Sehiemy
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (1), 257-264, 2021
Adaptive multi objective parallel seeker optimization algorithm for incorporating TCSC devices into optimal power flow framework
MB Shafik, H Chen, GI Rashed, RA El-Sehiemy
IEEE Access 7, 36934-36947, 2019
A Forensic-Based Investigation Algorithm for Parameter Extraction of Solar Cell models
AM Shaheen, A Ginidi, RA El-Sehiemy, S Ghoinem
IEEE Access 9, 1-20, 2021
An interval branch and bound global optimization algorithm for parameter estimation of three photovoltaic models
R Chenouard, RA El-Sehiemy
Energy conversion and management 205, 2020
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